A Simple Kanban Board
You're logged in as "guest".
Pick a board from the following list
or Create a new Kanban Board.
Tips on using the kanban board
- To create a sticky note (kanban card), left click and hold anywhere on the board and drag down, release and fill in the popup form.
- To resize a sticky note, move the pointer to the bottom edge of the card till the resize cursor appears, then click and drag.
- To connect two sticky notes, drag and drop one sticky note onto the other. Drag and drop while holding down the CTRL key removes the line between two sticky notes.
- To assign a task to a user, drag and drop the corresponding sticky note on the user listed above the board.
- To archive a task, drag and drop the corresponding sticky note to the file cabinet. You can only archive tasks from the DONE column.
- To list archived tasks, click on the file cabinet. You can filter by user from the next page by clicking on the user name, or view the history log of individual tasks by clicking on the timestamp.
- To take a task, simply drag the sticky note from the TODO or BACKLOG column to the DOING or DONE column.
Need more help? here is a short video to show you how to use the system.