poincare.py is program that compute Poincare sections interactively. It works only for systems where one can solve the initial conditions algebrically for any user picked points on the section plane. Henon-Heiles is such a system when the section plane is X=0. The Hamiltonian is
H = 1/2 * (xp^2 + yp^2) + 1/2 * (x^2 + y^2 + 2*x^2*y - 2./3. * y^3);Given x=0, and user picks a point (y,yp), we can solve xp as
xp= 1./3.* sqrt(6.*y**3 - 9.*y**2 -9*yp **2 + 18. * H)This script uses the experimental (undocumented) Poincare section code in taylor.
usage: poincare.py [-h] [-f PNAME] [-m MODEL_NAME] [-f128] [-mpfr MPFR] [-t0 START_T] [-t1 STOP_T] [-nsteps NUM_STEPS]
[-nintersections NUM_INTERSECTIONS] [-xing CROSSING] [-method METHOD] [-h0 STEP_SIZE]
[-abs_err ABS_ERR] [-rel_err REL_ERR] [-lib SHARED_LIB_NAME] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-jlib {1_1,1_n,n_1,2_n,n_2,m_n,tree}]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f PNAME, --function_name PNAME
set poincare section function name
-m MODEL_NAME, --model_name MODEL_NAME
-f128, --float128
-mpfr MPFR, --mpfr_precision MPFR
-t0 START_T, --start_time START_T
-t1 STOP_T, --stop_time STOP_T
-nsteps NUM_STEPS, --num_steps NUM_STEPS
-nintersections NUM_INTERSECTIONS, --num_intersections NUM_INTERSECTIONS
-xing CROSSING, --crossing CROSSING
-method METHOD, --method METHOD
-sc {0,1,2}, --stepsize_control {0,1,2}
Only 1 is availale when jet var is present
-h0 STEP_SIZE, --step_size STEP_SIZE
-abs_err ABS_ERR, --absolute_error_tolerance ABS_ERR
-rel_err REL_ERR, --relative_error_tolerance REL_ERR
-jlib {1_1,1_n,n_1,2_n,n_2,m_n,tree}, --jet_library {1_1,1_n,n_1,2_n,n_2,m_n,tree}
Taylor input file
poincare.py uses shell comments begins with # poincare_section_ to setup its UI elements. Available commands are:
x'= xp; y'= yp; xp'= -x -2*x*y; yp'= -y -x^2 + y^2; initialValues=0.0,0.1,0.39,0.2 ; startTime = 0.0; stopTime = 1.0e10; absoluteErrorTolerance = 1.0E-16; relativeErrorTolerance = 1.0E-16; number_of_intersections=2000; crossing=1; expr Poincare_section = x ; # poincare_section_initials = 0, y, 1./3.*sqrt(6.*y*y*y-9.*y*y-9*yp*yp+18.*HH), yp; # poincare_section_xlimit = -0.6,0.6; # Poincare_section_ylimit = -0.7,0.7; # Poincare_section_slider1 = "Hamiltonian", 0.0, 0.16, 0.01, 0.04166666667, HH; # poincare_section_mouse = y, yp;
Let's now generate a runnable script.
./poincare.py -i henon-poincare.eq -o pheono.py
When run, ./phenon.py should start an UI like shown in the following image. Clicking on the plot window should generate a new poincare section for the correspoinding orbit.
usage: ./phenon.py [-h] [-f PNAME] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [-p COLUMNS] [-t0 START_T] [-t1 STOP_T] [-h0 STEP_SIZE] [-nsteps NUM_STEPS] [-nintersections NUM_INTERSECTIONS] [-xing CROSSING] [-method METHOD] [-epsilon EPSILON] [-iv INIT_V] [-sc {0,1,2}] [-abs_err ABS_ERR] [-rel_err REL_ERR] optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -f PNAME, --function_name PNAME set poincare section function name -o OUTPUT_FILE, --output_file OUTPUT_FILE file to output data -t0 START_T, --start_time START_T -t1 STOP_T, --stop_time STOP_T -h0 STEP_SIZE, --step_size STEP_SIZE initial step size, only used when step size control is 0 -nsteps NUM_STEPS, --num_steps NUM_STEPS -nintersections NUM_INTERSECTIONS, --num_intersections NUM_INTERSECTIONS stop_time, nsteps and nintersections are stop conditions, program stops when one of the limit is reached -xing CROSSING, --crossing CROSSING crossing, -1,1 or 0; cross the plane from left, right or both -method METHOD, --method METHOD bit 0 select method to compute intersection: 0 RK4 integration backwards, 1 for using 6th degree fixed step taylor. bit 1 select fixed step RK4 as the main integrator. bit 2 select adaptive RK4 as the main integrator. -epsilon EPSILON, --epsilon EPSILON Error tolerance when compute the intersection. If abs(value) is smaller than epsilon, it is considered on the plane, -sc {0,1,2}, --stepsize_control {0,1,2} Only 1 is availale when jet var is present -abs_err ABS_ERR, --absolute_error_tolerance ABS_ERR -rel_err REL_ERR, --relative_error_tolerance REL_ERR