Programming: Computer programming will be a required part of the course, and the official language will be C++. No prior experience with C++ is necessary. Students will be introduced to the language through various assignments from the C++ text, sample programs, and online resources. The C++ text will be used for self-study; it will not be discussed in class.
Exams: There will be two midterm exams and a final exam. The tentative dates are
Exam 1 (Feb 25), | Exam 2 (Apr 8), | Exam 3 (May 13, 9am-12pm). |
Course grade: Your course letter grade will be based on your homework and exam grades. The weights are
Homework average (35%), | Exam 1 (20%), | Exam 2 (20%), | Exam 3 (25%). |
Grade scale: Homeworks and exams will be assigned grades based on a 100-point scale. The weighted sum of your homework average and exam grades will determine your course letter grade as follows:
A (100-93), | A- (92-90), | B+ (89-87), | B (86-83), | B- (82-80), | C+ (79-77), | C (76-73), | C- (72-70), |
D+ (69-67), | D (66-63), | D- (62-60), | F (59-0). |
Students with disabilities: The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY.
Drop dates: The last day to drop the course without possible academic penalty is February 14, 2011. The last day to drop the course for academic reasons is March 28, 2011. After this, students may go to the Dean's Office to appeal for non-academic reasons.