Rifugio Passo Principe, Trentino IT - © Riccardo

Seidel's exact triangle and sections of 4-dimensional Lefschetz fibrations. (Work in progress - joint with T. Perutz)

We are working towards a formula to that gives some lowerbound on the number of pseudo-holomorphic sections of a Lefschetz fibration over the disk, while keeping track of their relative homology class. To achieve this, we developed a particular local coefficient system and gave a fully explicit and geometric proof of the exactness of Seidel's triangle in Lagrangian and Fixed Point Floer homology.

On the left, a decomposition of a pseudo-holomorphic section over the disk into a sequence of sections over annuli which are easier to count. On the right, the moduli space that shows a certain Massey product is chain-homotopic to the identity

Draft available upon request.

Fixed point Floer cohomology of disjoint Dehn twists on a \(w^+\)-monotone manifold with rational symplectic form

I gave an explicit description of the Floer cohomology of a family of Dehn twists about disjoint Lagrangian spheres in a \(w^+\)-monotone rational symplectic manifold. This is a generalization of a classic result by P. Seidel (1996) and it is based on a neck-stretching argument and some delicate reasoning with an energy filtration for $CF(\tau_V)$ which show that certain ``bad trajectories" do not count towards the differentials for $CF(\tau_V)$, proving that the chain complex can be naturally identified with the one for Morse relative cohomology of $(M,V)$. As a byproduct of our framework, in a monotone symplectic manifold, I defined a class in the fixed point Floer cohomology of a Dehn twist by counting half strips bound to the given Lagrangian sphere and prove it must vanish. In subsequent work, joint with T. Perutz, we plan on using this vanishing result to give a new geometric proof of Seidel's long exact sequence.

A "bad trajectory" that goes through the Lagrangian $V$. These are the obstruction for having $HF^*(\tau_V)\cong H^*(M,V)$

Journal of Symplectic Geometry 2024 vol 22 issue #3. arXiv.

Stable classification of four-manifolds with fundamental group \(D_{2n}\)

This is my master thesis project, where I (almost) completely classified four-manifold with prescribed fundamental group up to stable diffeomorphism. As a corollary I got some restriction on the divisibility of the signature of such manifolds under some additional assumptions. A. Debray communicated me he was able to figure out the classification in the missing case.

One of the many Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequences I studied in my master thesis.

If you are interested in the pdf copy of my thesis e-mail me. I will try to make it more broadly available in the future