MATH 408D: Differential and Integral Calculus II

Fall 2010 (Sections 54750, 54755, 54760)

FINAL EXAM will be SATURDAY DEC 11, 2pm-5pm. It will be held in the usual classroom RLM 4.102

Here are ANSWERS TO TEST 3. Other answers may also be correct.

General Information

      Instructor: Dave Rusin ( 
      Office hrs: T, Th 11-2 and by appointment, in RLM 9.140 

      Teaching asst: Zhihui Xie ( 
      Office hrs: M 9-10am and (new!) T,Th 7:30-8:30 pm in RLM 11.134 

      Text: Calculus (6th Edition) by James Stewart

      Lecture: RLM 4.102, T,Th 3:30-5pm
      Discussions: MW 8-9am RLM 6.118 (54750), MW 3-4 RLM 6.104 (54755), MW 4-5 JES A307A (54760)

Course webpage:


This course is a continuation of M408C and covers a variety of topics in the theory of functions of one or more variables: indeterminate limits, improper integrals, infinite sequences, power and Taylor series, parametric curves, and derivatives and integrals of vector and multivariable functions with applications. Its objective is to provide students with practical mathematical skills necessary for advanced studies in all areas of science and engineering. The prerequisite is a grade of at least C in Mathematics 408C or 408L.


Your semester grade will be based on a number of components. This structure is designed to encourage you to stay actively involved in the course all the way through the semester. Any adjustments to the schedules or policies will be announced multiple times in lecture and on Blackboard and on the course website shown above.

Homeworks: I would like to try something new: the Quest homework system. This will enable you to get constant feedback on how well you are understanding the material. When the system is properly set up and functioning, you will be able to see your assignments at The homework must be completed online by the date posted, typically about one week after it becomes available. You will accumulate points during the semester, and your "Homework score" will be the number of points earned divided by the possible number of points you could have earned, times 100.

Quizzes: There will be a quiz (almost) every Wednesday. As with the homeworks, this will give you a "Quiz score" of up to 100 points.

Exams: There will be 3 mid-term exams, on September 23, October 21, and November 23, during the usual class period. Each is worth 100 points. The final exam will be Saturday, December 11 2010 from 2pm until 5pm; it is worth 200 points. (Location to be announced.) Textbooks, notes, and electronic devices (including phones and calculators) are not permitted during exams.

Your semester grade is based only on the number of points accumulated from this mix of 700 possible points. Your grade will be no lower than what is indicated from this table:
Point total Semester grade
650-700 A
630-649 A-
610-629 B+
580-609 B
560-579 B-
540-559 C+
510-539 C
490-509 C-
470-489 D+
440-469 D
420-439 D-
0-419 F
The instructor reserves the right to award more generous letter grades but no student will receive a lower letter grade than a student with a higher point total.

Students with disabilities: The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY.

Drop dates: The last day to drop the course without possible academic penalty is Sept 22, 2010. For more information about deadlines for adding and dropping the course under different circumstances, please consult the Registrar's web page,

Assistance with course work

In addition to visiting the instructor or the teaching assistant during office hours, you might want to make use the services of the Sanger Learning and Career Center. The Sanger Center offers three forms of tutoring to students throughout the semester: A further description of the Sanger Learning and Career Center services can be found here: Students can now enroll in refresher classes and register for tutoring support by going directly to the Student Login portion of the Sanger website.


This semester we will cover most of chapters 11-16 of the text. Detailed schedules will be available online. We will begin with Chapter 12, following a brief interlude of topics from sections 7.8 and 8.8

My tentative plan (subject to change!):