For students in M408D, M408M, or the AP section of M427L
(Eligibility -- see below)
Saturday, May 7, 2011
1:30 p.m. -- 3:30 p.m., in RLM 5.116
Eligibility: All undergraduates at U.T. Austin completing
M408D, M408M, or the Advanced Placement Section of M427L this semester
(Spring 2011).
Students who have credit or transfer credit for an equivalent course
or other course for which one of these is a prerequisite are not eligible.
(This is checked before the prizes are awarded.)
| Prizes:
| First Place: | $300
| Second Place: | $200
| Third Place: | $100
| ****************
- The Contests Committee reserves the right to award some or none of these
prizes in exceptional circumstances.
- For further details contact Dave Rusin (RLM 9.140, 471-6112) or
David Paige (RLM 10.108, 475-9142)
- No sign-up is necessary but bring a U.T. student I.D. to the exam
***You will be asked for your UTEID***