Professor: Lorenzo Sadun Classes: MWF 10-11, RLM 9.166
Website: Office: RLM 9.114 Office Hours: M 11-12, Tu 11-12:15.
Phone: 471-7121 Email: Text: A Basic Course in Algebraic Topology, by William Massey. (Springer GTM 127). It's available at the Co-op. We'll cover chapters 1-8, and hopefully chapter 9, with occasional sections skipped. TA: Davi Maximo This class is mostly homework-based, with weekly problem sets due (at least initially) on Wednesdays. You are encouraged to work in small groups and learn from each other, but I'd like you to write up your solutions individually. Of course, anything you turn in should reflect your own understanding, and should not just be copied from another student. If you don't understand it, don't write it down.The deadline for finals has passed, and solutions are posted below.
There will be a take-home final exam. The course grade will be based on 30% midterm, 40% homework and 50% final, with the lowest 20% dropped.
*Handouts and Other Course Information
First Day Handout Course Schedule Homework Last year's midterm, both with and without solutions. This year's midterm, both with and without solutions. Last year's final exam, both with and without solutions. This year's final exam, both with and without solutions. This January's algebraic topology prelim exam, both with and without solutions.