Differential Calculus for Scientists, M408N,
Fall 2012, Unique #s: 55640, 55645, 55650
Professor: Lorenzo Sadun,
Teaching Assistant: Andrew Lee,
Lectures: TuTh 9:30-11:00, JGB 2.216
Discussion sections by unique number:
55640: MW 8-9, JES A215A
55645: MW 12-1, RLM 6.120
55650: MW 4-5, RLM 5.122
Office: RLM 9.114
Sadun Office Hours: M10-11, W2-3, RLM 9.114
Andrew Lee's Office Hours: M3-4, Th 3:30-5:30,
RLM 12.136
Phone: 471-7121
Text: Calculus, Early Transcendentals, 7th Edition,
by Stewart.
Prerequisites: This class is restricted to students
in the College of Natural Sciences who have scored 70% or higher on the
ALEKS assessment. If you do not meet these conditions, you will be dropped
from the class around September 4.
The final exam will be on Tuesday, December 18, 9:00-12:00 noon
in JBG 2.216 -- the same room as our lectures.
Yes, that's the last day of finals week, and no, you can't take it early.
The ground rules are the same as for the midterms, except that you are allowed
two crib sheets instead of one. Calculators are not allowed.
On Monday, Dec 17, my office hours will be 1-3PM and Andrew's will be 3-4PM.
*Handouts and Other Course Information
Six Pillars of Calculus
Course outline to review from
First Day Handout
Course Schedule
A more detailed version of
the schedule, with suggested learning modules
Quest server. That's where you
do get learning modules and do the online portion of your homework.
Youtube channel with many math videos. These videos are being
incorporated into some of the Quest learning modules.
The Sanger
Center, a great source of (mostly) free help.
Actual first midterm,
both with and
without solutions.
Actual second midterm,
both with and
without solutions.
Actual final exam,
both with and
without solutions.
First midterm from 2011,
both with and
without solutions.
Second midterm from 2011,
both with and
without solutions.
Final exam from 2011,
both with and
without solutions.