If a matrix $A$ is diagonalizable, then the solutions to
the system of difference equations
$${\bf x}(n) = A {\bf x}(n-1)$$
take the general form
$$\sum_j c_j \lambda_j^n {\bf b_j},$$
where $\lambda_1, \ldots, \lambda_m$ are eigenvalues of $A$,
${\bf b_1}, \ldots, {\bf b_m}$ are eigenvectors of $A$, and
$c_1, \ldots, c_m$ are arbitrary constants.
If $|\lambda_j|<1$, then $\lambda_j^n$ goes to zero, and that term
disappears from the sum over time. We call such modes stable.
If $|\lambda_j|>1$, then $\lambda_j^n$ grows without bound.
We call such modes unstable.
If $|\lambda_j|=1$, then $|\lambda_j^n|=1$ for all $n$.
We call such modes neutral or borderline.
The term with the largest $|\lambda_j|$ will eventually grow larger
than all the rest. We call this the dominant mode. The long-time
behavior of the whole system is described by this mode. If this mode is
stable, the whole system shrinks away to 0. If this mode is unstable, then
${\bf x}$ grows without bound. Either way, the direction of ${\bf x}(n)$
approaches the direction of the dominant eigenvector.
These considerations are described in the first video:
The solutions to the system $\frac{d{\bf x}}{dt} = A{\bf x}$
of differential equations behave similarly to the solutions to difference
equations, with the only change being that we have $e^{\lambda t}$ instead
of $\lambda^n$.
The general solution is $\sum_j c_j e^{\lambda_j t} {\bf b_j}$.
If $\lambda > 0$ (or if $\lambda = a+bi$ with $a>0$), then
$e^{\lambda t}$ blows up and we have an unstable mode.
If $\lambda<0$,
or if $\lambda = a+bi$ with $a<0$, then $e^{\lambda t}$ goes to 0 and we
have a stable mode.
If $\lambda=0$, or is pure imaginary, then $e^{\lambda t}$
neither grows nor shrinks, and we have a neutral or borderline mode.
The dominant mode corresponds to the eigenvalue with the greatest real
part, not to the one with the greatest magnitude. (That is $3$ beats $2 + 75i$,
which beats $-10000$.)
Stability for first-order differential equations is described in the
second video.
Stability for second-order systems $\frac{d^2{\bf x}}{dt^2} = A {\bf x}$
is different in two ways. First, we don't have to worry about complex
eigenvalues, since these problems almost always have real eigenvalues.
Second, there are no truly stable modes. When $\lambda <0$, our modes
oscillate with frequency $\omega = \sqrt{-\lambda}$. When $\lambda >0$,
we get exponential growth like $e^{\kappa t}$, where $\kappa = \sqrt{\lambda}$.
So the modes with $\lambda < 0$ are neutral and the modes with $\lambda > 0$
are unstable, as explained in the third video.