M346, Applied Linear Algebra
Unique number: 57290
Meeting time and place: TuTh 11-12:30, RLM 6.124.
Web page:
Professor: Lorenzo Sadun, RLM 9.114, x1-7121
email: sadun@math.utexas.edu
Office hours: MW 1-2. I generally keep an open door and welcome
visitors at all times.
Textbook: Applied Linear Algebra, 2nd edition, by Lorenzo Sadun.
Prerequisites: M341 or M340L with a grade of at least C-.
This is not an easy course. If you struggled in M340L or M341, you probably
will have a very hard time with M346.
Syllabus: Chapters 1 through 8, with occasional skipped
sections. You can find an online day-by-day schedule
Homework: There will be weekly problem sets, due in
class on Tuesday.
Exams: There will be three in-class midterm exams, on
September 26, October 22 and November 19, plus a final exam on
Wednesday, December 11, 9-12. These exams will all
be closed book. However, each student will be allowed to bring a single
``crib sheet'' (2-sided) to each midterm, and 2 crib sheets to the
Pre-class material: I have prepared a series of videos
and web pages to go along with the book. You can find
an index here. You are expected to go over
each section's materials before class, and to understand the easy
parts, so that we can spend class time working through the hard parts.
Participation: You will occasionally be called upon, by name,
to present a calculation or to answer a question. The grading for this will
be on a 4 points scale: 4 points for a good job, 3 points for a so-so job,
2 points for a poor job, or for being too unprepared to present, and 0
points for being absent. If you need to miss class for a valid reason (e.g.,
a religious holiday), let me know in advance and I won't call on you.
Grading: Each midterm counts 20%. The final exam counts 20%.
The homework, taken together, counts 10%. Class participation counts
10%. If you do better on the final than on your worst midterm, then I
will replace that midterm score with the final. In other words, your grade
will probably be based on 40% final, 20% each for your best two midterms,
0% for your worst midterm, plus 10% each for homework
and participation. The final cannot replace your homework or
participation grade.
The final grade distribution is neither a straight
nor a fixed curve. It depends on how well the class does as a whole,
but I hope to give mostly A's and B's.
Disabilities: The University of Texas at Austin provides
upon request
appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with
For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at
471-4641 TTY