Professor: Lorenzo Sadun, Teaching Assistant: Sreekaavya (Kaavya) Kamireddipalli, Lectures: MWF 2:00-3:00, CPE 2.214
Discussion sections by unique number:
53868: TuTh 5-6, BUR 130
55869: TuTh 4-5, BUR 224
Website: Sadun Office: RLM 9.114 Sadun Office Hours: Tu 10-11, Th 2-3
TA Office Hours: Tu 12-1 in RLM 11.114
Phone: 471-7121 Text: Calculus in Context, by Callahan et al. Available free online at Required software: You will need a copy of MATLAB. UT has a site licence; I'm not sure if this allows you to download a free copy, or just to use MATLAB on all UT computers. Even without the site license, you can buy the student version of MATLAB for only $49. Prerequisites: The same as for M408N. Specifically, this class is restricted to students in the College of Natural Sciences who have scored 70% or higher on the ALEKS assessment. If you do not meet these conditions, you will be dropped from the class.
Goals for the class:
- Learning the key ideas of calculus, which I call the six pillars.
- Close is good enough (limits)
- Track the changes (derivatives)
- What goes up has to stop before is can come down (max/min)
- The whole is the sum of the parts (integrals)
- The whole change is the sum of the partial changes (fundamental theorem)
- One variable at a time.
- Learning how to analyze a scientific situation and model it mathematically.
- Learning to analyze a mathematical model using calculus.
- Learning how to apply the results of the model back into the real world.
- Learning enough formulas and calculational methods to make the other goals possible. There are three questions associated with every mathematical idea in existence:
Compared to most math classes, we're going to spend a lot more time on the first and third questions, but we still need to address the second. You can't spend all your time looking at the big picture! You need some practice sweating the details, too.
- What is it?
- How do you compute it?
- What is it good for?
There will be in-class midterm exams on Wednesday, September 21, Monday, October 17, and Monday, November 21.
The final exam will be on Tuesday morning, December 13, 9-12.
* Handouts and Other Course Information
First Day Handout Course Schedule Worksheets, Individual HW assignments, and Mini-Projects Matlab m-files The Quest server. That's where you do the learning modules/preclass assignments. The math department Calculus Lab page. My Youtube channel with about 300 math videos, including almost all the videos that appear in the Quest learning modules for M408R. The Sanger Center, a great source of (mostly) free help.
Practice first midterm from 2014, both without and with solutions. The results from the 2014 first midterm exam were very disappointing, so I allowed the class to do a take-home makeup exam, with very similar problems, both to improve their standing and to give students an incentive to learn what they had messed up on. (No, I'm not planning on a similar policy in 2016!) Here is the makeup first midterm from 2014, both without and with solutions. Actual first midterm from 2016, both without and with solutions.
Practice second midterm from 2014, both without and with solutions. Actual second midterm from 2016, both without and with solutions.
Solutions to the second mini-project (minus the graph printouts).
Practice third midterm from 2014, both without and with solutions. Actual third midterm from 2016, both without and with solutions.
Practice final from 2014, both without and with solutions. Actual final from 2016, both without and with solutions.