Applied Linear Algebra, M346, Spring 2011, Unique #56240

  • Professor: Lorenzo Sadun
  • Classes: TuTh, 9:30-11, RLM 7.116
  • Website:
  • Office: RLM 9.114
  • Office Hours: Tu 11-12, W2-3
  • Phone: 471-7121
  • Email:
  • Text: Applied Linear Algebra; the Decoupling Principle, 2nd edition by yours truly.  We will attempt to cover the first 8 chapters, with occasional sections skipped.  Do not attempt to use the first edition of the book, which is filled with printing errors. Also, the second edition has a lot of new content and is priced at half the first edition, thanks to a change in publishers.
  • Prerequisites: M340L or M341 or M311 or my permission.  I expect you to have a good feel for manipulating matrices, especially row reduction, at the level of Appendix A. I also expect you to have seen abstract vector spaces and linear transformations, but some rustiness is expected -- we'll be reviewing that.  I don't assume that you've seen eigenvalues and eigenvectors at all; we'll do them from scratch.
  • Finals grades are in!Final grades are posted on Blackboard, as is the calculation that leads to those grades. "Points" is your semester average, being (MT1 + MT2 + HW + 2*Final - Low)/4. To the people who took the final, I gave 7 A's, 6 A-'s, 3 B+'s, 5 B's, 5 B-'s, one C+, 3 C's, 2 C-'s, 2 D's and one F. The cutoffs were:
    A: 92.5-100
    A-: 90-92.5
    B+: 87.5-90
    B: 84-87.5
    B-: 78-84
    C+: 70-78
    C: 65-70
    C-: 58-65
    D: 50-58
    F: 0-50
    Have a great summer!

    *Handouts and Other Course Information

  • First Day Handout
  • Course Schedule
  • Homework
  • Here are several practice exams, and I'll post our actual exams after the fact. In studying for tests, I strongly recommend that you work each old exam without looking at the solutions, and then look at the solutions when you're done.

  • First midterm from 2003, both with and without solutions
  • First midterm from 2004, both with and without solutions
  • First midterm from 2005, both with and without solutions
  • First midterm from Spring 2009, both with and without solutions
  • First midterm from Fall 2009, both with and without solutions
  • Second midterm from 2003, both with and without solutions
  • Second midterm from 2004, both with and without solutions
  • Second midterm from Spring 2009, both with and without solutions
  • Second midterm from Fall 2009, both with and without solutions
  • Third midterm from Spring 2009, both with and without solutions
  • Third midterm from Fall 2009, both with and without solutions
  • Practice final from 2000, both with and without solutions
  • Practice final from 2003, both with and without solutions
  • Practice final from 2004, both with and without solutions
  • Practice final from 2005, both with and without solutions
  • Practice final from Spring 2009, both with and without solutions
  • Practice final exam from Fall 2009, both with and without solutions

  • Actual first midterm, both with and without solutions
  • Actual second midterm, both with and without solutions
  • Actual final exam, both with and without solutions