Matrices and Matrix Calculations, M340L-CS
Spring 2012, Unique #: 55740
Professor: Lorenzo Sadun,
Teaching Assistant: Mark Norfleet
Lectures: TuTh 9:30-11:00, Wel 2.246
Office: RLM 9.114
Sadun Office Hours: M1-2, W10-11 RLM 9.114
Norfleet Office Hours: M 3:30-5, Th 12-1:30,
RLM 10.106
Phone: 471-7121
Text: Introduction to Linear Algebra, 4th ed., by
Gilbert Strang. (Not "Linear Algebra and Its Applications", which
costs 3 times as much!)
Prerequisites: M408C or M408K or M408N with a grade
of C- or better. Note: you cannot get credit for both M340L and M341.
Final exam and preparation for the final.
The final exam was on Thursday afternoon, 2-5 PM, in CMA A2.320.
Solutions are posted below. We will try to get things graded, and
course grades assigned, by Monday or Tuesday.
*Handouts and Other Course Information
Gilbert Strang's Lectures at MIT based on his text.
First Day Handout
Course Schedule
Doc-cam slides
from all the lectures
Practice first midterm from 2010, both with and
without solutions. Note that this was not
a CS section, so the material doesn't precisely match our course. That course
had a lot more emphasis on reduced row-echelon form and a lot less on LU
Practice first midterm from 2003, both with and
without solutions. This is almost 10 years old,
and my teaching style has probably changed significantly since then.
Use at your own risk.
Actual first midterm, both with and
without solutions.
Practice second midterm from 2010, both with
and without solutions. Note that this exam
was given in April, and so contains more material than will be covered
in the Spring 2012 2nd midterm.
Practice second midterm from 2003, both with
and without solutions.
Actual second midterm, both with and
without solutions.
Practice third midterm from 2003, both with
and without solutions. However, the
material on this exam isn't really relevant to our current 3rd midterm.
Note also that there is
not a practice third midterm from 2010. I only gave 2 midterms
that year, and diagonalization was on the second midterm.
Actual third midterm, both with and
without solutions.
Practice final exam from 2003, both with
and without solutions.
Practice final exam from 2010, both with
and without solutions.
Actual final exam, both with and
without solutions.