Document Camera Slides for
M340L, Matrices and Matrix Calculations
Most lectures will be done using a document camera. Or at least mostly
done using a document camera. After lecture, I will scan the slides
and post them here. You can use them to supplement your own notes. (Obviously,
the links won't work until I've actually done the scanning.)
These are not intended to be the definitive record of the class.
They're just what I happened to write down while talking with you!
Tuesday, January 17
Thursday, January 19
Tuesday, January 24
Thursday, January 26
Tuesday, January 31
Thursday, February 2
Tuesday, February 7
Thursday, February 9
No lecture on Tuesday, February 14 (Exam 1)
Thursday, February 16
Tuesday, February 21
Thursday, February 23
Tuesday, February 28
Thursday, March 1
Tuesday, March 6
Thursday, March 8
March 13 and 15: Spring Break
Tuesday, March 20
No lecture on Thursday, March 22 (Exam 2)
Tuesday, March 27
Thursday, March 29
Tuesday, April 3
Thursday, April 5
Tuesday, April 10
No lecture on Thursday, April 12 (Exam 3)
Tuesday, April 17
Thursday, April 19
Tuesday, April 24
Thursday, April 26
Tuesday, May 1
Thursday, May 3