Curves and Surfaces, M365G,
Spring 2012, Unique #: 55965
Professor: Lorenzo Sadun,
Lectures: TuTh 11:00-12:30, RLM 6.116
Office: RLM 9.114
Sadun Office Hours: M2-3, F10:15-11:15 RLM 9.114
Phone: 471-7121
Text: Elementary Differential Geometry, 2nd Ed,
by Andrew Pressley.
Prerequisites: I am not enforcing any formal
prerequisite for this course. However, you really should have taken
M365C and either M341 or M340L and done well.
Finals Week information I'll be holding office hours on Thursday
May 10 from 10-12, and again Friday 10:30-12.
The final exam itself is on Monday, May 14, 9-12 AM, CPE 2.216.
*Handouts and Other Course Information
First Day Handout
Course Schedule
Doc-cam slides
from all the lectures
Actual first midterm, both with and
without solutions.
Actual 2nd midterm, both with and
without solutions.
Actual 3rd midterm, both with and
without solutions.
Actual final exam, both with and
without solutions.