M361 Spring 2012
Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable, unique # 55880
Instructor: Thomas Chen
Office: RLM 12.138.
Email: t c A_T m a t h . u t e x a s . e d u
Phone: (512) 471 7180
Lectures: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 12:30 - 1:45 PM
RLM 5.124.
Office hours: Thursdays 2 - 3 PM.
Syllabus and Course Information
M361 consists of a study of the properties of complex analytic functions. Students are mainly from physics and engineering, with some mathematics majors and joint majors. Representative topics are Cauchy's integral theorem and formula, Laurent expansions, residue theory and the calculation of definite integrals, analytic continuation, and asymptotic expansions. Rigorous proofs are given for most results, with the intent to provide the student with a reliable grasp of the results and techniques.
The prerequisite is M427K or M427L with a grade of at least C-, or consent of the instructor.
See also
syllabus and prerequisites.
For important dates, see the
academic calendar.
Updated course information will be posted here.
Weekly homework assignments will be posted on
Please be sure to check this website regularly.
Complex Variables and Applications
by J.W. Brown and R.V. Churchill.
8th Edition, McGraw Hill.
Tentative schedule:
Week 1 (1/17, 1/19): Chapter 1
Week 2 (1/24, 1/26): Chapters 1, 2
Week 3 (1/31, 2/2): Chapter 2
(Q-drop deadline)
Week 4 (2/7, 2/9): Chapters 2, 3
Week 5 (2/14, 2/16): Chapters 3, 4
Week 6 (2/21, 2/23): Chapter 4
Week 7 (2/28, 3/1): Chapter 4, Midterm I on Thursday, March 1.
Week 8 (3/6, 3/8): Chapter 4, 5
Week 9 (3/13, 3/15): Spring break
Week 10 (3/20, 3/22): Chapter 5
Week 11 (3/27, 3/29): Chapter 5
Week 12 (4/3, 4/5): Chapter 6
Week 11 (4/10, 4/12): Chapter 6, Midterm II on Thursday, April 12
Week 12 (4/17, 4/19): Chapters 6
Week 13 (4/24, 4/26): Chapter 7
Week 14 (5/1, 5/3): Chapters 7, 9
Class attendance is mandatory. This is a difficult course;
you need to keep track of the material as we go along and stay up to date.
Collaborations are encouraged, but you have to present your own solutions. Simply copying somebody else's work is not acceptable.
The handin time of the HW's is at the beginning of the Thursday classes (or earlier).
No late handins are accepted.
Homework Assignments
Will all be posted on
Blackboard under "Course Documents".
HW-1 has been posted. Due Thursday, January 26.
Solutions have been posted;
last modified on 1/27/12 at 8:10 PM.
HW-2 has been posted. Due Thursday, February 2.
Last modified on 1/25/12 at 3:30PM.
Solutions have been posted.
HW-3 has been posted. Due Thursday, February 9.
Last modified on 2/1/12 at 3:50PM.
Solutions have been posted.
HW-4 has been posted. Due Thursday, February 16.
Last modified on 2/8/12 at 11:20PM.
Solutions have been posted.
HW-5 has been posted. Due Thursday, February 23.
Last modified on 2/16/12 at 2:05PM.
Solutions have been posted.
Midterm I on Thursday, March 1.
In usual classroom, at usual time.
Solutions have been posted.
HW-6 has been posted. Due Thursday, March 8.
Last modified on 3/7/12 at 12:20AM.
Solutions have been posted.
HW-7 has been posted. Due Thursday, March 22.
Last modified on 3/22/12 at 0:45 AM.
Solutions have been posted.
HW-8 has been posted. Due Thursday, March 29.
Solutions have been posted.
HW-9 has been posted. Due Thursday, April 5.
Last modified on 4/3/12 at 9:00 AM.
Solutions have been posted.
HW-10 has been posted. Due Thursday, April 19.
Last modified on 4/10/12 at 7:30PM.
Solutions have been posted.
Midterm II on Thursday, April 12.
In usual classroom, at usual time.
Solutions have been posted.
HW-11 has been posted. Due Thursday, April 26.
Last modified on 4/24/12 at 6:10PM.
Solutions have been posted.
There will be two in-class midterms, and one final exam.
The in-class midterms take place during regular class hours,
and in the usual classroom, RLM 5.124:
Midterm I on Thursday, March 1.
Midterm II on Thursday, April 12.
Please save these dates, there will be no make-up exams !
Final Exam on Thursday, May 10, 9:00 - 12:00 noon. Location: RLM 5.124.
It is implicit in your registration for this class that, barring some unforeseen calamity,
you affirm to be present to take the final examination at this time.
The course grade will be determined as follows:
Homework: 10 percent
Midterm 1: 25 percent
Midterm 2: 25 percent
Final Exam: 40 percent
Range of letter grades:
A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D, D-, F.
The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations
for qualified students with disabilities.
For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY.