M362K Fall 2012Probability I, unique # 56260 |
Syllabus and Course Information |
An introductory course in the mathematical theory of probability, fundamental to further work in probability and statistics, includes basic probability properties, conditional probability and independence, various discrete and continuous random variables, expectation and variance, central limit theorem, and joint probability distributions. Prerequisite: Mathematics 408D, 408L, or 408S with a grade of at least C-. Syllabus and prerequisites. For important dates, see the academic calendar. Updated course information will be posted here. Weekly homework assignments will be posted on Blackboard. Please be sure to check this website regularly. Textbook: A First Course in Probability by Sheldon Ross. 8th Edition, Prentice Hall. We will treat much of the material in chapters 1 - 8 of Ross' book. Tentative schedule:
Homework |
Collaborations are encouraged, but you have to present your own solutions. Simply copying somebody else's work is not acceptable. The handin time of the HW's is at the beginning of the Thursday classes (or earlier). No late handins are accepted. Homework Assignments and updates
Exams and Grades |
There will be two in-class midterms, and one final exam. The in-class midterms take place during regular class hours, and in the usual classroom, ENS 109: Midterm I on Thursday, September 27.Midterm II on Tuesday, November 20.Please save these dates, there will be no make-up exams !Final Exam on Wednesday, December 12, 7 - 10 PM. Location: RLM 6.114.It is implicit in your registration for this class that, barring some unforeseen calamity, you affirm to be present to take the final examination at this time.The course grade will be determined as follows: Homework: 10 percent Midterm 1: 25 percent Midterm 2: 25 percent Final Exam: 40 percent |