Math 408C, Fall Semester 2015
Differential and Integral Calculus
Unique Numbers # 52665 / # 52670 and # 52730 / # 52735.
Instructor: Thomas Chen
Office: RLM 12.138.
Office hours: Fridays 2-3 PM
Email: t c A_T m a t h . u t e x a s . e d u
Teaching Assistants:
Pablo Duran and Yuan Yan.
M408C classes meet three hours per week for lectures, and two hours per week for problem sessions.
A number of problem sessions will be dedicated to Engineering Labs.
First day handout
Unique # 52665 / # 52670: TTH 9:30 AM - 11:00 PM in
RLM 4.102.
Unique # 52730 / # 52735: TTH 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM in
WAG 101.
TA sessions (starting 8/26/2015):
Unique # 52665: MW 8 - 9 AM in
CPE 2.206
TA: Pablo Duran.
Engineering labs on Nov 4, 9, 23.
Unique # 52670: MW 4 - 5 PM in
SZB 330
TA: Pablo Duran.
Engineering labs on Nov 2, 9, 23.
Unique # 52730: MW 8 - 9 AM in
PHR 2.114
TA: Yuan Yan.
Engineering labs on Nov 2, 11, 23.
Unique # 52735: MW 1 - 2 PM in
WAG 420
TA: Yuan Yan.
Engineering labs on Nov 2, 11, 23.
TA office hours
@ CalcLab.
The syllabus for M408C includes most of the basic topics in the theory of
functions of a real variable:
Algebraic, trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions and their limits, continuity, derivatives, maxima and minima, integration, area under a curve, and volumes of revolution.
This course carries the Quantitative Reasoning flag. Quantitative Reasoning courses are designed to equip you with skills that are necessary for understanding the types of quantitative arguments you will regularly encounter in your adult and professional life. You should therefore expect a substantial portion of your grade to come from your use of quantitative skills to analyze real-world problems.
For information on prerequisites, please see
For important dates, please see the
academic calendar.
This website will be updated frequently. Please check regularly.
Stewart Calculus, Early Transcendentals, Seventh Edition.
It is available at the
University Co-op, including eBook access.
The numbering below corresponds to chapters in the textbook.
This schedule is tentative, and may change.
It is your responsibility to keep track of any changes as the semester progresses.
- 1. Functions and Models (Two lectures: August 27. September 1)
- 1.5 Exponential Functions
- 1.6 Inverse Functions and Logarithms
- 2. Limits and Rates of Change (Four Lectures: September 1, 3, 8, 10)
- 2.1 The Tangent and Velocity Problems
- 2.2 The Limit of a Function
- 2.3 Calculating Limits Using the Limit Laws
- 2.4 The Precise Definition of a Limit
- 2.5 Continuity
- 2.6 Limits at Infinity; Horizontal Asymptotes
- 2.7 Derivatives and Rates of Change
- 2.8 The Derivative of a Function
- 3. Differentiation Rules (Six Lectures: September 15, 17, 22.
October 1, 6, 8)
- 3.1 Derivatives of Polynomials and Exponential Functions
- 3.2 The Product and Quotient Rules
- 3.3 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions
- 3.4 The Chain Rule
- 3.5 Implicit Differentiation
MIDTERM EXAM I on September 29 (review on September 24).
- 3.6 Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions
- 3.7 Rates of Change in the Natural and Social Sciences
- 3.8 Exponential Growth and Decay
- 3.9 Related Rates
- 3.10 Linear Approximations and Differentials
- 3.11 Hyperbolic Functions
- 4. Applications of Differentiation (Six Lectures: October 13, 15, 20, 22, 27, 29)
- 4.1 Maximum and Minimum Values
- 4.2 The Mean Value Theorem
- 4.3 How Derivatives Affect the Shape of a Graph
- 4.4 Indeterminate Forms and L'Hopital's Rule
- 4.5 Summary of Curve Sketching
- 4.7 Optimization Problems
- 4.9 Antiderivatives
- 5. Integrals (Four Lectures: November 3, 5, 10, 19;
the remaining 2 dates are for Exam II and its review)
- 5.1 Areas and Distances
- 5.2 The Definite Integral
- 5.3 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
- 5.4 Indefinite Integrals and the Net Change Theorem
- 5.5 The Substitution Rule
MIDTERM EXAM II on November 17 (review on Nov 12).
- 6. Applications of Integration (Three Lectures: November 24. December 1, 3)
- 6.1 Areas between Curves
- 6.2 Volumes
- 6.3 Volumes by cylindrical shells (optional)
- 6.4 Work (optional)
- 6.5 Average value of function (optional)
We will discuss a selection of topics marked as "optional", but not all of them.
FINAL EXAM, according to the
University final exam schedule,
details see below.
Participation at lectures and TA sessions is required.
There will be random attendance checks.
In addition, you can find video lectures on the topics above at the UT Calculus page:
Part I and
Part II
(they also include topics that we do not treat in this course).
There will be weekly homework assignments posted on
To submit, you must enter your answers in Quest.
The usual format will be multiple choice.
Quest will immediately tell you if your answer is correct or not.
You are allowed multiple tries, but there will be a reduction of points after each
unsuccessful attempt.
HW 1:
Due on Wednesday, 9/9 at 11:59 PM on
Problems 1-20 are mostly about limits. Problems 21-30 are about exponential and logarithmic functions (you can do those first before we start talking about limits).
This HW assignment is longer than usual because there is more time available to
work on it.
HW 2:
Due on Wednesday, 9/16 at 11:59 PM on
HW 3:
Due on Friday, 9/25 at 11:59 PM on
HW 4:
Due on Friday, 10/9 at 11:59 PM on
HW 5:
Due on Wednesday, 10/14 at 11:59 PM on
HW 6:
Due on Friday, 10/23 at 11:59 PM on
HW 7:
Due on Friday, 10/30 at 11:59 PM on
HW 8:
Due on Friday, 11/6 at 11:59 PM on
HW 9:
Due on Friday, 11/13 at 11:59 PM on
HW 10:
Due on Friday, 12/4 at 11:59 PM on
There will be absolutely no acceptance of any late submissions.
The deadlines posted on Quest are definite, and sharp to the minute.
Usually, the homework will be due at 11:59 PM (one minute before midnight) on Wednesdays.
CalcLab is an "office hour pool" which operates for approximately
twenty-five hours per week,
from Monday through Friday, starting on August 31, 2015.
For the detailed weekly schedule, please click
WEL 2.228
It will always be staffed by several graduate TAs and undergraduate LAs
(Learning Assistants).
Students from any calculus class can come to CalcLab whenever it is open,
to get assistance with homework, test preparation, etc.
The UT Learning Center offers tutoring services to calculus students. Some resources are posted online on their
UTLC also offers Drop-In Tutoring, a free, walk-in study environment supported by mathematics tutors.
Additionally, they offer appointment tutoring, consisting of one hour, individualizing tutoring sessions for a fee.
For detailed information, please see
There will be two in-class exams on the following dates,
during regular class hours, in the usual lecture room:
MIDTERM EXAM I on Tuesday, September 29, 2015.
MIDTERM EXAM II on Tuesday, November 17, 2015.
Please save these dates, there will absolutely be no make-up exams !
Should you miss a midterm exam, your grade for the final exam will be used for it. However, this policy does not apply retroactively (the final does not replace a midterm that you did submit).
The final exam is
scheduled by the University. Please note that the dates depend on the
unique numbers !
FINAL EXAM Unique # 52665 / # 52670,
Saturday, December 12, 9:00-12:00 noon.
RLM 4.102.
FINAL EXAM Unique # 52730 / # 52735,
Wednesday, December 9, 7:00-10:00 pm.
WAG 101.
It is implicit in your registration for this class that, barring some unforeseen calamity,
you affirm to be present to take the final examination at this time.
For all exams, the format is multiple choice with no partial credits.
The class grade will be determined as follows:
Homework and Engineering Labs: 15 percent
Exam 1: 20 percent
Exam 2: 20 percent
Final Exam: 45 percent
The Engineering Labs will be counted towards your HW grade as follows:
- You have to complete the preparatory module, and
- You have
to attend to the presentation in the TA session (presence will be taken).
This earns you 10 points per lab,
in the same way as a
regular HW assignment.
The range of letter grades to be distributed is as follows:
A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D, F
A curve will be applied that is adapted to the outcome of each midterm exam,
and the same is true for the final exam.
The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations
for qualified students with disabilities.
For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY.
Moreover, should you or a fellow student become very stressed and overwhelmed, please consider contacting the following service:
Counselling and Mental Health Center
Student Services Bldg (SSB), 5th Floor
Hours: M--F 8am--5pm
Phone: (512) 471 3515