Important Facts

I am a graduate student in math at The University of Texas at Austin.

Contact Information


Office: RLM 12.132

Research Interests

I am interested in geometric flows and differential geometry in general. My advisor is Dan Knopf


  • Homotopy method for the Eigenvalues of Symmetric Tridiagonal Matrices. Coauthors: Philip Brockman, Yun Cheng, T.M. Elgindi, K. Jensen, X Zhoun, M.B.M. Elgindi. (Journal)
  • Ricci Flow Emerging from Rotationally Symmetric Degenerate Neckpinches. (Journal|arXiv)
  • Ricci Flow Recovering from Pinched Discs. (arXiv)
  • Manifold optimization for k-means clustering. Coauthors: Dustin G. Mixon, Soledad Villar, Rachel Ward. (Journal)