Karen K. Uhlenbeck

Welcome to my Home Page! 

Professor, and Sid W. Richardson Regents Chairholder, Department of Mathematics, University of Texas, Austin.
Research interests

Course Material

Biographical information


Office:   9.160  RLM        Phone 512-471-1172
 e-mail: uhlen@math.utexas.edu
Post address:    1 University Station C1200
                            Mathematics Department, University of Texas
                            Austin, TX 78712
My office hours for spring 2006 are posted.
My daily schedule for Spring 2006 is outlined.

Created: January 24, 1997 Updated: February 7, 1997   and September 12, l998, April 25, 2000 as well as October 25,2002 and October 7,2005.

This page has been visited 39470 times since January 24, 1997

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The format for this web page was originally created by Dr. Richard S. Palais.

Further work was done on this page by a dedicated graduate student, Jean Marie Linhart.

The owner has run out of dedicated help and is now doing it herself.