Welcome to the home page for
Mathematics 427k
The professor for this section of the course is Professor Karen Uhlenbeck. Professor
Uhlenbeck can be reached at
The TA is Jonathan
Williams. His e-mail address is jwilliam@math.utexas.edu.
Professor Uhlenbeck's Schedule
and Office Hours
Basic information about the course is available on the first day handout.
The first exam
will be in the lecture hall on Tuesday, February 8. It will cover
sections 1.1-1.3; 2.1-2.5 and the material discussed in the lecture and
in the homework (Note that there is a homework set due February 10
which you should be able to do for the exam).
The second exam
is scheduled for Thursday, March 31 during the lecture. It
will cover 3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,,4.3,7.1,7.2,7.3,7.5, 7.6.
The third
make-up exam
will be during the last week of class, Tuesday, May 3.
The final
is scheduled in the slot of the Problem Section, MW
3:00-4:00. According to this schedule, the final exam will be
Wed May 11 7-10 PM. It will be held in two adjoining rooms in
Pharmacy PHR2.110-2.108.
Here is a list of the homework
under the date it is to be handed
There will a total of 11 assignments. The last one will be due
May 5. Your grade on the homework will take into account the top
10 (the lowest grade will be dropped).
Homework 1 (to be handed in Jan 25)
Homework 2 (to be handed in February 3)
Homework 3 (due February 10) (Review
before the exam 2/8)
Homework 4 (due February 24)
Homework 5 (due
March 3).
Homework 6(due March 10)
Homework scheduled over spring break is to do be sure you can do the
exercises at the end of Section 7.2 -7.4 of the text. This will
not be collected.
Homework 7(due March 31)
Homework 8(due April 14)
Homework 9(due April 21)
Homework 10 (due April 28).
Homework 11 (extra assignment, can replace any of 1-10) (due May 5)
(click(here) if you need more info on the maple
program for assignment 11)
Click here for a list of lecture topics, readings
problems to do for
practice for course. The
more problems from the book you do, the better off you are!
(1/28)There was an error in some of the algebra in the lecture on 1/25.
is a correction.
(2/1) In the lecture, we covered the notion of linearizing a first order
autonomous differential equation at a critical point. It is not
in the book. Here is a description.
Note the correction of -15 made on 2/7 in the last example.
(2/7) Office hours are 4-5 today. The corrected homework is
outside Professor Uhlenbeck's door.
(2/15) Yes, I forgot to put the link to the homework for Thursday
(2/17) on my web page. Hence there is no homework due until a
week from Thursday (2/24). Please ask if you do not find the
homework for the next Thursday posted a week in advance.
(2/21) There was an erroro in the first version of problem 2 in
homework #4. It should have read (and now reads) y" - 9y = 0.
(2/22) There will be no office hours today due to a faculty
meeting. Office hours on 2/23 will start at 1:30 instead of 1:00.
(2/23) For the homework due on March 3, you are asked to use a
symbolic manipulation program to solve an equation, and it is suggested
you might like to check your answers to all the problems using this
method. The program dsolve in matlab is one possibility.
Call up matlab and type help dsolve to learn how to use this program.
(3/24) I corrected problem 4 today on homework 7. The original
version was an equation not of the type we are studying. The rest
of the questions seem to be sensible.
(3/29) There will be no office hours today due to a department
meeting. Your can try to find me after 4:30 or so if you need to
talk to me..
(4/18) There was a random = sign in problem 1of homework 9 which
should be a minus. It is corrected on the current version of
homework 9. Note that there is a great deal of similarity between
problem 1 and problem 2---but a key difference, too.
(4-19)-(4-29) I have extra office hours during these two weeks
for advising graduate students, but you 427k students are welcome to
sign up in one of the vacant slots. The sign-up sheet is posted
on my door. You are also welcome to drop by during these extended
hours if no one is signed up. I noticed that some of you have
tried to come by when I have been busy with graduate students and
mathematical colleagues. I apologize that I usually cannot drop
everything to see you. My secretary always has good information
on when is a good time to try me.