Your Professor is Karen Uhlenbeck and your TA is Dorothy BuckWelcome to the Home Page for Math 375
(From Fall 2000, i.e. this is not current)Mathematical Modeling in Biology
The first day handout is now located in another file.
There is also an advanced section of this course,
which is being conducted
as a reading course (text:
Murray, Mathematical Biology, meeting: W 3-5). Send e-mail to
Dorothy Buck for more information.
Information about the weekly meetings is posted on advanced
bio modeling.
Professor: Karen Uhlenbeck RLM 9.160
Office hours: M 1-2; 3-4,
TH 2-3, F 3-4 and by appointment. For more information, see
Uhlenbeck's schedule.
Teaching Assistant: Dorothy Buck RLM 11.108
Office hours (to be
Class Time MWF 2-3
RLM 7.124
Computer accounts on the mathematics department system were handed
the first week of class.
Help in the computer lab is available Friday's 3-4 (after the class),
and during other office hours
or by appointment.
Text: Modeling Differential Equations in Biology, Taubes, Prentice Hall*
*The original publication date was August
Because the publication date is delayed,
we have available in class, and in Professor
Uhlenbeck's office, copies of the first
ten chapters
new publication date for the entire book is supposedly October.
Hot new update! We have the next two
and the new publication date is October 15.
Here is a list of the titles of the rest of
11. Matrix notation
12. Remarks about missing Australian preditors
13. Introduction to Advection
14 Diffusion equations
15 Two key properties of advection and diffusion
16 The width of the no fishing zone
17 Separation of Variables
18 Morphogenesis
19 Stability criteria
20 Summary of advection and diffusion
21 Traveling waves
22 Traveling wave velocities
23 Periodic solutions
24 Fast and slow
25. Estimating time elapse
26 Catastrophes
27 Tests for Periodicity
28 Attractors
29 Causes of chaos