The 2003  IAS/princeton Women's Program

Plans are well under way:    Here is the information which we have as of January 1, 2003.

Topic:   Mathematical Biology

Dates:   May 12 - 22

Organizer:    Mary Pugh,  Mathematics Department, University of Toronto

Tentative List of Lecturers:

           Dorothy Brown;  Applied Mathematics, Brown University

            Lisa Fauci ;  Department of Mathematics, Tulane University

            Naomi Leonard;  Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University

            Tandy Warnow, Computer Science Department, University of Texas

We should have more details of the program posted by  mid-January.  Watch this space, and   our IAS web page.  We will start looking at applications by the beginning of March, so get your application in early!  Information about last year's program is now on the IAS web page.
This year's program will differ from last year's in that  both courses will be split in half.