This is a fun course! Math 427K-H is a version of the course 427K which is directed at honors students in the college of natural science.  We will use the same text as the regular section of 427K, but we will cover different sections.

Boyce and DiPrima:  Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems:  chapter 1; 2.1-2.5, 2.9;3.1-3,3.4,3.8,3.9,4.2,3.6,4.3; chapter 7 (skip 7.8); chapter 9 (plus some handouts); 5.1-5.3,10.2-3,10.5 (time permitting).

We can make a decision together whether to spend more time on applications of systems, or move on more quickly to power series and Fourier analysis.

1.  We will use matlab and maple.  I have assigned exercises using computer programs in all the 427K and math biology classes I have taught because the pictures really give you the idea of what is going on.  There will not be more than one computer assignment every two weeks.  There will be a computer exercise  on the first problem set to give you an idea of what to expect.

2.  There will be weekly problem sets of problems from the book or written out. These are to be handed in on Thursday in your TA session. If for some reason, you cannot make a session, you may slide them under the door of RLM 10.138 BEFORE THE TA SESSION!. Approximately every other week there will be problems to be done on the computer. These assignments will be linked to the web page. Exercises, which are not to be handed in, will also be listed with the lecture topics. You are responsible for making sure you can do the exercises.  This is an honors course!

3.  There will be a project, which is to be done preferably in groups of two or three students.  This will be on a topic of your choice, and may  be one of the following: a paper on additional theory, an exposition of an application of either difference equations or differential equations, or a  computer program which can be used in some of the applications. A schedule of due dates, suggestions for topics, and the form I use to grade the project will be found (soon) under projects on the web page for the course.

4. I would like each student to come in at least once during the semester in my office hours or at some other time.  This gives me a chance to get to know the students and vice versa.

5. And least important to me and unfortunately  important to students is the grading. There will be four grades worth 100 each: three in class exams and the homework.  There will be two grades worth 200 points apiece:  The project and the final exam. Your grade for the course will be out of 600 points, taken from the best scores that you receive among the 800.  You may drop 200 of the points (including either the final or the project).  Years of experience have proved to me that students who do not hand in the homework only rarely do at all well in the course. The majority of students in 07 elected to drop the final.

6.  The first two exams have tentative dates. I accept protests about these dates. The first is Feb 10 in your TA session, the second is  march 27 in the lecture class. The last in-class exam is given in the last week of classes.  There are no make-ups. If you must miss an exam, the grading scheme allows you to make it up automatically.  Of course, do let me know if you get pneumonia or something (it has unfortunately happened).

Thats all I can think of ! Don't forget to come and see me before April 1.

Enjoy the course!

Karen Uhlenbeck