Vishik, Mikhail M., Ph.D., Moscow State University (Russia), 1980

Mathematics: Mathematical Problems of Fluid Dynamics,
Partial Differential Equations,
Number Theory


Department of Mathematics
University of Texas at Austin
Austin, TX 78712, USA

Phone: 512-471-1165 / Fax: 512-471-9038 / Office: RLM 11.128 /
Office hours: By appointment

Research: Existence and uniqueness theory for the Euler equations
of an ideal incompressible fluid;
Function spaces and wavelets;
Linear and nonlinear stability theory of fluid motion;
Navier-Stokes equations and the limit of vanishing viscosity;
Nonselfadjoint spectral theory;
Geometry of SDiff, Arnold's theory;
"Set-theoretic" fluid dynamics (this expression is due to V.I.Yudovich);
Asymptotic theory of quantum averages;
Nonarchimedean analysis and p-adic L-functions

  • Mathematical Theory in Fluid Dynamics, Eight Paseky School, Czech Republic,
    June 8-14, 2003

  • Fall 2003 Graduate Course: Mathematical Problems of Fluid Mechanics