Multiscale oscillatory problems

Goal: Computing effective behavior of a system that has highly oscillatory modes. Do so without the need to resolve oscillations everywhere in the domain

Time-parallel multiscale coupling of Gaussian Beams and wave equations


Ariel, Kim and Tsai, SIAM J. Sci. Comput., 38(6), 2016

Computation of constrained mechanical system via slow manifolds of an unconstrained highly oscillatory system. 


the planar motion of two unit point masses: the first is joined to the origin through a stiff spring of elastic constant ω 1 and the second is joined to the first through a second stiff spring of elastic constant ω 1.

In the limit where ω ∞, the springs become rigid rods of unit length and the system becomes a double pendulum with no gravity. 

Ref: Ariel, Sanz-Serna and Tsai, Multiscale Model. Simul. Vol. 10, No. 4, 2012

Oscillatory trajectory.

Trajectory close to the slow manifold of the oscillatory system.