David M. Young, Jr.
Ph.D. Students
Louis W. Ehrlich [1963, UT Austin]
"The Block Symmetric Successive Overrelaxation Method"
Thurman G. Frank [1966, UT Austin]
"Error Bounds on Numerical Solutions of Dirichlet Problems for Quasilinear
Elliptic Equations"
Alvis E. McDonald [1970, UT Austin]
"A Multiplicity-Independent Global Iteration for Meromorphic Functions"
Jerry C. Webb [1970, UT Austin]
"Finite-Difference Methods for a Harmonic Mixed Boundary Value Problem"
[Co-Supervisor: John R. Whiteman]
David R. Kincaid [1971, UT Austin]
"An Analysis of a Class of Norms of Iterative Methods for Systems of
Linear Equations"
Vitalius J. Benokraitis [1974, UT Austin]
"On the Adaptive Acceleration of Symmetric Successive Overrelaxation"
Linda J. H. Hayes [1977, UT Austin]
"Generalization of Galerkin Alternating-Direction Methods to
Non-Rectangular Regions Using Isoparametric Elements"
[Co-Supervisor: Mary F. Wheeler]
Cecilia Kang Chang Jea [1982, UT Austin]
"Generalized Conjugate Gradient Acceleration of Iterative Methods"
Tsun-Zee Mai [1986, UT Austin]
"Adaptive Iterative Algorithms for Large Sparse Linear Systems"
Thomas Charles Oppe [1989, UT Austin]
"The Iterative Solutions of Large Sparse Linear Systems Using Vector Computers"
[Co-Supervisor: David R. Kincaid, UT Austin]
Wayne David Joubert [1990, UT Austin]
" Generalized Conjugate Gradient and Lanczos Methods for the Solution of
Nonsymmetric Systems of Linear Equations"
Bi Roubolo Vona [1992, UT Austin]
"Parallel Multilevel Iterative Methods"
Shengyou Xiao (Jason Shaw) [1994, UT Austin]
"Multigrid Methods with Application to Reservoir Simulation"
[Co-Supervisor: Kamy Sepehnioori]
Jen-Yuan Chen [1996, UT Austin]
"Iterative Solutions of Large Sparse Nonsymmetric Linear Systems''
Masters Students
Charles H. Warlick [1955, U. Maryland, College Park]
"Convergence Rates of Numerical Methods for Solving
$\partial^2 u/\partial x^2 + (k/\rho)\partial^2 u /\partial \rho^2 = 0$"
Louis W. Ehrlich [1956, U. Maryland, College Park]
"The Use of the Monte Carlo Method for Solving Boundary Value
Problems Involving the Difference Analogue of $u_{xx} + u_{yy} + k(u_y/y) = 0$"
Robert A. Sibley [1959, UT Austin]
"Intelligent Activity on the Part of Digital Computers"
Jessee J. Stephens [1961, UT Austin]
"A Consideration of Computational Stability for Various Time
Difference Analogues Used in Numerical Weather Prediction"
W. P. Cash [1961, UT Austin]
"The Determination of Peaceman-Rachford Iteration Parameters"
M. C. Scully [1962, UT Austin]
"A Study of Linear Programming Using Digital Computer Techniques"
Mary B. Fanett [1963, UT Austin]
"Application of the Remes Algorithm to a Problem in Rational Approximation"
Charles A. Shoemake [1964, UT Austin]
"A Technique for Extracting Multiple Roots from Polynomial Equations"
W. P. Champagne [1964, UT Austin]
"On Finding Roots of Polynomials by Hook-or-by-Crook"
W. G. Poole [1965, UT Austin]
"Numerical Experiments with Several Iterative Methods for Solving
Partial Differential Equations"
James A. Downing [1966, UT Austin]
"The Automatic Construction of Contour Plots with Application to
Numerical Analysis"
Alkis Mouradoglou [1967, UT Austin]
"Numerical Studies on the Convergence of the Peaceman-Rachford
Alternating Direction Implicit Method"
Harold D. Eidson [1969, UT Austin]
"The Convergence of Richardson's Finite-Difference Analogue
for the Heat Equations"
Belinda M. Wilkinson [1969, UT Austin]
"A Polyalgorithm for Finding Roots of Polynomial Equations"
Tran Phien [1972, UT Austin]
"An Application of Semi-Iterative and Second-Degree Symmetric Successive
Overrelaxation Iterative Methods" [Co-Supervisor: David R. Kincaid]
Linda J. H. Hayes [1974, UT Austin]
"Comparative Analysis of Iterative Techniques for Solving Laplace's
Equation on the Unit Square on a Parallel Processor"
Janis Anderson [1983, UT Austin]
"On Iterative Methods Based on Incomplete Factorization Methods"
Ru Huang [1983, UT Austin]
"On the Determination of Iteration Parameters for Complex SOR and Chebyshev
Reza Oraiee Abbasian [1984, UT Austin]
"Lanezos Algorithms for the Acceleration of Nonsymmetrizable Iterative Method"
Vona Bi Roubolo [1985, UT Austin]
"Finite Difference Solutions of Elliptic and Parabolic Partial
Differential Equations on Rectangle Regions: Programs ELIPBVP and IVPROBH"
Florian Jarr'e [1986, UT Austin]
"Multigrid Methods''
Malathi Ramdas [1990, UT Austin]
"Parallelizing ITPACKV 2D for the Cray Y'MP"
[Co-Supervisor: David R. Kincaid]
Maryam Askar-Tehrany Purvis [1992, UT Austin]
"Usability of SPARSKIT in Conjunction with NSPCG:
Sparse Matrix Representation"
[Co-Supervisor: David R. Kincaid]
Asha Nallana [1995, UT Austin]
"Cray T3D Performance Study"
[Co-Supervisor: David R. Kincaid]
Chih-Chuan Chen [1995, UT Austin]
" A Parallel SSOR Method for a Class of Periodic Elliptic Problems"
[Co-Supervisor: David R. Kincaid]
Ph.D.'s Committee Service
Mary G. Foulks (8/1959),
D. D. Denum (8/1960),
M. O. Glasgow (6/1961),
R. W. Furlong (6/1963),
J. A. Wheeler (8/1965),
J. P. Billingsley (1/1966),
Y. Ikebe (6/1966),
F. M. Huggins (6/1967),
C. M. Williams (6/1967),
Peter Businger (8/1967),
J. B. Bednar (6/1968),
C. H. Farmer (6/1968),
H. O. Muecke (1/1968),
C. E. Wilks (1/1969),
J. C. Morris (8/1969)
R. A. Moreland (5/1970),
Merry M. Green (8/1970),
G. C. Lacey (12/1970),
Jo Ann Howell (8/1971),
Hugh W. Griffith (12/1970),
Kenneth M. Ragsdell (8/1972),
Masahiro Tsuchiya (8/1972),
Ginjiro Tsutsumi (8/1971),
D. R. Reed (8/1975),
Jame Nicholson (8/1975),
Paul John Beck (12/1977),
Martin W. Rooney (12/1977),
Kambozia Sepehrnoori (12/1977),
Mark Seager (7/1984),
Koso Idigbe (10/1984)
Master Degree's Committee Service
Carl Bailey (6/1960),
Mozelle Hampton (6/1961),
M. C. Sculley (1/1962),
W. P. Champagne (8/1964),
R. M. Hansard (5/1965),
S. I. Becker (5/1965),
Henry L. Gray (6/1966),
James A. Downing (1/1966),
Lee Hagy (12/1972),
F. S. Chow (1/1975),
David W. McKenzie (12/1977),
Patricia W. Streater (12/1978),
Andrew F. Thierer (12/1978)