Meaning |
0 |
No error detected |
-1 |
Nonpositive matrix size N |
-2 |
Insufficient real workspace |
-3 |
Insufficient integer workspace |
-4 |
Nonpositive diagonal element |
-5 |
Nonexistent diagonal element |
-6 |
A is not positive definite |
-7 |
Q is not positive definite |
-8 |
Cannot permute matrix as requested |
-9 |
MDIM is not large enough to allow expansion
of matrix |
-10 |
Inadmissible parameter encountered |
-11 |
Incorrect storage mode for block method |
-12 |
Zero pivot encountered in factorization |
-13 |
Breakdown in direction vector calculation |
-14 |
Breakdown in attempt to perform rotation |
-15 |
Breakdown in iterate calculation |
-16 |
Unimplemented combination of parameters |
-18 |
Unable to perform eigenvalue estimation |
1 |
Failure to converge in ITMAX iterations |
2 |
ZETA too small - reset to 500*SRELPR |
3 |
ZBRENT failed to converge in MAXFN iterations
(signifies difficulty in eigenvalue
estimation) |
4 |
In ZBRENT, f(a) and f(b) have the same sign
(signifies difficulty in eigenvalue
estimation) |
5 |
Negative pivot encountered in factorization |