Drift-diffusion equations
A drift-(fractional)diffusion equation refers to an evolution equation of the form \[ u_t + b \cdot \nabla u + (-\Delta)^s u = 0,\] where $b$ is any vector fields. The stationary version can also be of interest \[ b \cdot \nabla u + (-\Delta)^s u = 0.\]
This type of equations under several contexts. It is often useful to apply regularity results about drift-diffusion equations to semilinear equations from fluid dynamics (for example the surface quasi-geostrophic equations). For this reason, the assumption that $\mathrm{div} \ b = 0$ is taken sometimes. The equation can also be derived as the flow of a vector field with $\alpha$-stable white noise.
There are a number of regularity results depending of the assumptions on the vector field $b$ and the values of the exponent $s$. The type of regularity results available for drift-diffusion equations can be separated into two categories depending on whether or not they are proved using perturbation methods. Perturbative results are characterized by an assumption on the vector field $b$ that implies that at small scales, its flow is negligible in comparison with fractional diffusion.
The terms supercritical, critical, and subcritical are often used to denote whether the diffusion part of the equation controls the regularity or not. Given a quantitative assumption on the vector field $b$, one can check if it is subcritical, critical, or supercritical by checking the effect of scaling. More precisely, we know that the rescaled function $u_\lambda(t,x) = u(\lambda^{2s}t,\lambda x)$ satisfies the equation \[ \partial_t u_\lambda + \lambda^{2s-1} b(\lambda^{2s}t,\lambda x) \cdot \nabla u + (-\Delta)^s u = 0.\]
If an a priori estimate on $b$ improves with the scaling $\lambda^{2s-1} b(\lambda^{2s}t,\lambda x)$ for $\lambda <1$, the equation is in the subcritical regime. Typically, a drift-diffusion equation with subcritical assumptions on $b$ would have classical solutions and the proof of regularity would use perturbation methods.
If an a priori estimate on $b$ is invariant by the scaling $\lambda^{2s-1} b(\lambda^{2s}t,\lambda x)$, the equation is in the critical regime. There are some regularity results for drift-diffusion equation with critical assumptions on $b$ but the proofs are more delicate and cannot be obtained via perturbative methods.
If an a priori estimate on $b$ deteriorates with the scaling $\lambda^{2s-1} b(\lambda^{2s}t,\lambda x)$ for $\lambda <1$, the equation is in the supercritical regime. There is no regularity result available for any kind of supercritical assumption on $b$. In this case, the transport part of the equation is expected to dominate the equation.