- 00-239 Masao Hirokawa
- Remarks on the Ground State Energy of
the Spin-Boson Model.
An Application of the Wigner-Weisskopf Model.
(104K, LATeX 2e)
May 23, 00
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Abstract. For the ground state energy
of the spin-boson (SB) model,
we give a new upper bound
in the case with infrared singularity
condition (i.e., without infrared cutoff),
and a new lower bound in the case
of massless bosons with infrared regularity
We first investigate spectral properties of
the Wigner-Weisskopf (WW) model, and
apply them to SB model to achieve
our purpose.
Then, as an extra result of the spectral
analysis for WW model, we show that
a non-perturbative ground state appears,
and its ground state energy
is so low that we cannot conjecture it
by using the regular perturbation theory.
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