- 03-27 Sergej A. Choroszavin ( sergius@pve.vsu.ru )
- Among Quadratic Hamiltonians, Bogoliubov Transformations
and Non-Regular States on CCRs *-Algebra. I. Pure and Invariant States.
(In the Mood for the Manuceau Verbeure Theorems
about Quasi-free States and Automorphisma of the CCR Algebra)
(85K, LaTeX 2.09)
Jan 20, 03
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Abstract. The features of the paper are these:
1) we discuss {\bf especially } quadratic (alias bilinear)
Bose-Hamiltonians, the related Bogoliubov transformations
and {\bf especially } quasi-free-like (alias coherent or Fock-like) states
2) we discuss {\bf any } quadratic Bose-Hamiltonians and
Bogoliubov transformations, whether diagonalizable or not,
whether proper or improper, and {\bf arbitrary } quasi-free-like states,
whether regular or non-regular they are
3) we associate notions and terms of the CCRs theory
\footnote{ CCRs = Canonical Commutation Relations }
with notions and terms of the indefinite inner product spaces theory.
Then, we apply the corresponding `bilingual dictionary'
so as to construct invariant states of some of the quadratic Hamiltonians.
- Files:
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03-27.tex )