- 05-401 Valerio Lucarini, Antonio Speranza, Renato Vitolo
- Physical and Mathematical Properties of a Quasi-Geostrophic
Model of Intermediate Complexity of the Mid-Latitudes
Atmospheric Circulation
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Nov 24, 05
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Abstract. A quasi-geostrophic intermediate complexity model is considered, providing a schematic repre-
sentation of the baroclinic conversion processes which characterize the physics of the mid-latitudes
atmospheric circulation. The model is relaxed towards a given latitudinal temperature profile,
which acts as baroclinic forcing, controlled by a parameter TE determining the forced equator-to-
pole temperature gradient. As TE increases, a transition takes place from a stationary regime to
a periodic regime, and eventually to an earth-like chaotic regime where evolution takes place on
a strange attractor. The dependence of the attractor dimension, metric entropy, and bounding
box volume in phase space is studied by varying both TE and model resolution. The statistical
properties of observables having physical relevance, namely the total energy of the system and the
latitudinally averaged zonal wind, are also examined. It is emphasized that while the attractor's
properties are quite sensitive to model resolution, the global physical observables depend less
critically on it. For more detailed physical observables, such as the latitudinal profiles of the zonal
wind, model resolution again may be critical: the effectiveness of the zonal wind convergence, acting
as barotropic stabilization of the baroclinic waves, heavily relies on the details of the latitudinal
structure of the fields. The necessity and complementarity of both the dynamical systems and
physical approach is underlined.
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