06-28 Denis G. Gaydashev, Dmitry Khmelev
On Numerical Algorithms for the Solution of a Beltrami Equation (325K, PDF) Feb 6, 06
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Abstract. The paper concerns numerical algorithms for solving the Beltrami equation $f_{\bar{z}}(z)=\mu(z) f_z(z)$ for a compactly supported $\mu$. First, we study an efficient algorithm that has been proposed in \cite{Daripa1} and \cite{Daripa2}, and present its rigorous justification. We then propose a different scheme for solving the Beltrami equation which has a comparable speed and accuracy, but has the virtue of a greater simplicity of implementation.

Files: 06-28.src( 06-28.keywords , Beltrami_Numerics.pdf.mm )