09-123 David C. Brydges, John Z. Imbrie, and Gordon Slade
Functional integral representations for self-avoiding walk (487K, pdf) Jul 28, 09
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Abstract. We give a survey and unified treatment of functional integral representations for both simple random walk and some self-avoiding walk models, including models with strict self-avoidance, with weak self- avoidance, and a model of walks and loops. Our representation for the strictly self-avoiding walk is new. The representations have recently been used as the point of departure for rigorous renormalization group analyses of self-avoiding walk models in dimension 4. For the models without loops, the integral representations involve fermions, and we also provide an in- troduction to fermionic integrals. The fermionic integrals are in terms of anticommuting Grassmann variables, which can be conveniently interpreted as differential forms.

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