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Papers and preprints

(with Tim Austin and Lewis Bowen) Algebraic dynamical systems from LDPC codes satisfy a strong negation of the weak Pinsker property, 2023. arXiv
Typical sofic entropy and local limits for free group shift systems, 2023. arXiv
Equilibrium and nonequilibrium Gibbs states on sofic groups, 2023. (Submitted) arXiv
Metastability and maximal-entropy joinings of Gibbs measures on finitely-generated groups, 2021. (Submitted) arXiv
Free Energy, Gibbs Measures, and Glauber Dynamics for Nearest-neighbor Interactions on Trees, 2021. Communications in Mathematical Physics. arXiv short talk
The relative f-invariant and non-uniform random sofic approximations, 2020. Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems. arXiv
Concentration of Markov Chains Indexed by Trees, 2019. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques. arXiv
Applications of Markov Chain Analysis to Integer Complexity, 2016. [Undergrad thesis] arXiv


Introduction to sofic entropy YouTube