This semester I am teaching discrete mathematics at UT Austin. Last spring, I taught a topics course on Floer theory and its applications. Please don't hesitate to stop by! I taught several courses at Stanford, including real analysis, point-set/differential topology, introduction to proofs, and calculus. I previously taught point-set topology at MIT, as well as served as a course assistant for MIT's Math Project Lab. (This is a mathematical communication/writing course in which students form groups and work on small projects over the course of the semester.) I served as a mentor for a high-school math research project through the Program for Research in Mathematics, Engineering, and Science (PRIMES) progam at MIT. Our project involved investigating the lattice homology of Seifert homology spheres. My students wrote a research paper, which can be found here! I have also run several directed reading courses for undergraduates through the Stanford Undergraduate Research Institute in Mathematics (SURIM), and also the Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) at MIT. I am especially fond of using Lectures on the Topology of 3-Manifolds by Nikolai Saveliev; I think it gives a great (brief) introduction to several topics in low-dimensional topology! I was a student (and later a counselor) at the Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists (PROMYS) at Boston University. I highly recommend this experience for high school students who are interested in mathematics. |