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Optimal Mass Transport
on Euclidean Spaces
Appointments and education: - Full professor, UT Austin, USA, 2016/present - Chair, Department of Mathematics, UT Austin, 2024/2028; - Member, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, USA, January-April 2019; - Research scientist, ICTP Trieste, Italy, 2016/2017; - Associate professor, UT Austin, USA, 2012/2015; - Professore associato (Associate prof.), U. Firenze, Italy, 2011/2012; - Ricercatore (Assistant prof.), U. Firenze, Italy, 2005/2011; - Wissenschaftlichen Assistenten C1 (Assistant prof.), U. Duisburg-Essen, Germany, 2005; - Postdoctoral associate, MPI-MIS Leipzig, Germany, 2004; - Ph.D. in Mathematics, U. Firenze, Italy, 2004; - Visiting graduate student MPI-MIS Leipzig, Germany, Fall 2002 and Fall 2003; - M.S. in Mathematics, U. Firenze, Italy, 2000. Editorial work: - Ars Inveniendi Analytica, editor-in-chief (2020-) - Nonlinear Analysis, editor-in-chief (2020-2024) - Transactions of the AMS & Memoirs of the AMS, editorial board member (2022-2025) |
Current funding: - Rigidity, Stability, Regularity, and Resolution Theorems in the Geometric Calculus of Variations, NSF Grant DMS-2247544; 2023-current; - RTG: Analysis of Partial Differential Equations, NSF Grant DMS-1840314, as PI with Arie Israel, Natasa Pavlovic, Stefania Patrizi and Alexis Vasseur, 2019-current. Past funding: With NSF: - Geometric Variational Problems for Surface Tension Driven Systems, NSF Grant DMS-2000034; 2020-2023; - FRG: New Challenges in Geometric Measure Theory, NSF Grant DMS-1854344, with Tatiana Toro and Camillo De Lellis; 2019-2023; - Stability, symmetry and regularity issues in geometric variational problems, NSF Grant DMS-1265910, 2013/2016 - FRG: Vectorial and geometric problems in the Calculus of Variations, NSF DMS-1361122, with Craig Evans, Alessio Figalli, and Ovidiu Savin; 2014/2018; - Quantitative analysis of rigidity theorems and geometric inequalities, NSF Grant DMS-1565354, 2017/2020. With ERC: - Analysis of optimal sets and optimal constants: old questions and new results, ERC Starting Grant 258685, as coPI; PI, Aldo Pratelli; 2010/16; - Analytic techniques for geometric and functional inequalities, ERC Advanced Grant 246923, as coPI; PI Nicola Fusco; 2009/15. With INdAM: - Geometric-functional inequalities in sharp and quantitative form, GNAMPA-INdAM, from 2007. |
Postdoctoral students: - Michael Novack at UT Austin, 2020-2023; - Salvatore Stuvard at UT Austin, 2017-2021; - Matias Delgadino at ICTP Trieste, 2016-17; - Brian Krummel at UT Austin, 2015-16. |
Graduate students: - Daniel Weser at UT Austin, graduated in 2023, then postdoctoral associate at UNC Chapel Hill; - Ignacio Tomasetti at UT Austin, joint with L. Caffarelli, graduated in 2022; - Darren King at UT Austin, graduated in 2021, then postdoctoral associate NYU; - Cornelia Mihaila at UT Austin, graduated in 2018, then postdoctoral associate at U Chicago; - Robin Neumayer at UT Austin, joint with A. Figalli; graduated in 2017, then postdoctoral associate at Northwestern U.; - Marco Caroccia at U. Pisa, joint with G. Alberti; graduated in 2015, then postdoctoral associate at Carnegie Mellon U.
Undergraduate students: - Hunter Stufflebeam (UT Austin) Allard type regularity theorems for rectifiable varifolds, Master degree thesis, 2018/19; then graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania; - Denis Deniz Gonzalez (ICTP Trieste) Symmetry properties of overdetermined properties with fractional laplacians, Diploma in Mathematics, 2016/17; then graduate student at the Politecnico di Milano, Italy; - Sumiya Basaandorj (ICTP Trieste) The existence of area minimizing graphs and minimal surfaces, Diploma in Mathematics, 2016/17; then graduate student at Seoul National University, South Korea. - Marco Caroccia (U. Firenze) Stime asintotiche per partizioni minimali del piano, Master degree thesis, 2011; then graduate student at the University of Pisa, Italy. - Berardo Ruffini (U. Firenze) Riduzione al caso radiale per una versione quantitative della disuguaglianza di Gagliardo-Nirenberg, Master degree thesis, 2010; then graduate student at the Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. |