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Type I and II Errors and Significance Levels

Type I Error

Rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact true is called a Type I error.

Many people decide, before doing a hypothesis test, on a maximum p-value for which they will reject the null hypothesis. This value is often denoted α (alpha) and is also called the significance level

When a hypothesis test results in a p-value that is less than the significance level, the result of the hypothesis test is called statistically significant.

Common mistake: Confusing statistical significance and practical significance.

Example: A large clinical trial is carried out to compare a new medical treatment with a standard one. The statistical analysis shows a statistically significant difference in lifespan when using the new treatment compared to the old one. But the increase in lifespan is at most three days, with average increase less than 24 hours, and with poor quality  of life during the period of extended life. Most people would not consider the improvement practically significant.

Caution: The larger the sample size, the more likely a hypothesis test will detect a small difference. Thus it is especially important to consider practical significance when sample size is large.

Connection between Type I error and significance level:

A significance level α corresponds to a certain value of the test statistic, say tα, represented by the orange line in the picture of a sampling distribution below (the picture illustrates a hypothesis test with alternate hypothesis "µ > 0")

Since the shaded area indicated by the arrow is the p-value corresponding to tα, that p-value (shaded area) is α.
To have p-value less than α , a t-value for this test must be to the right of tα.
So the probability of rejecting the null hypothesis when it is true is the probability that t > tα, which we saw above is α.
In other words, the probability of Type I error is α.1

Rephrasing using the definition of Type I error:

The significance level α is the probability of making the wrong decision when the null hypothesis is true.

Sampling distribution showing alpha

Pros and Cons of Setting a Significance Level:

Type II Error

Not rejecting the null hypothesis when in fact the alternate hypothesis is true is called a Type II error. (The second example below provides a situation where the concept of Type II error is important.)

Note: "The alternate hypothesis" in the definition of Type II error may refer to the alternate hypothesis in a hypothesis test, or it may refer to a "specific" alternate hypothesis.

Example: In a t-test for a sample mean µ, with null hypothesis ""µ = 0" and alternate hypothesis "µ > 0", we may talk about the Type II error relative to the general alternate hypothesis "µ > 0", or may talk about the Type II error relative to the specific alternate hypothesis "µ > 1". Note that the specific alternate hypothesis is a special case of the general alternate hypothesis.

In practice, people often work with Type II error relative to a specific alternate hypothesis. In this situation, the probability of Type II error relative to the specific alternate hypothesis is often called β. In other words, β is the probability of making the wrong decision when the specific alternate hypothesis is true. 

 (See the discussion of Power for related detail.) 

Considering both types of error together:

The following table summarizes Type I and Type II errors:

(for population studied)
Null Hypothesis True Null Hypothesis False
(based on sample)
Reject Null Hypothesis Type I Error Correct Decision
Fail to reject Null Hypothesis Correct Decision Type II Error

An analogy3 that some people find helpful (but others don't) in understanding the two types of error is to consider a defendant in a trial. The null hypothesis is "defendant is not guilty;" the alternate is "defendant is guilty."4 A Type I error would correspond to convicting an innocent person; a Type II error would correspond to setting a guilty person free. The analogous table would be:

Not Guilty Guilty
Verdict Guilty Type I Error -- Innocent person goes to jail (and maybe guilty person goes free) Correct Decision
Not Guilty Correct Decision Type II Error -- Guilty person goes free

The following diagram illustrates the Type I error and the Type II error against the specific alternate hypothesis "µ =1" in a hypothesis test for a population mean µ, with null hypothesis ""µ = 0,"  alternate hypothesis "µ > 0", and significance level α= 0.05.

Sampling disttibution for null and specifi alternate hypothesis, showing Types I and II errors

Deciding what significance level to use:
This should be done before analyzing the data -- preferably before gathering the data.5
The choice of significance level should be based on the consequences of  Type I  and Type II errors.

Example 1: Two drugs are being compared for effectiveness in treating the same condition. Drug 1 is very affordable, but Drug 2 is extremely expensive.  The null hypothesis is "both drugs are equally effective," and the alternate is "Drug 2 is more effective than Drug 1." In this situation, a Type I error would be deciding that Drug 2 is more effective, when in fact it is no better than Drug 1, but would cost the patient much more money. That would be undesirable from the patient's perspective, so a small significance level is warranted.
Example 2: Two drugs are known to be equally effective for a certain condition. They are also each equally affordable. However, there is some suspicion that Drug 2 causes a serious side-effect in some patients, whereas Drug 1 has been used for decades with no reports of the side effect. The null hypothesis is "the incidence of the side effect in both drugs is the same", and the alternate is "the incidence of the side effect in Drug 2 is greater than that in Drug 1." Falsely rejecting the null hypothesis when it is in fact true (Type I error) would have no great consequences for the consumer, but a Type II error (i.e., failing to reject the null hypothesis when in fact the alternate is true, which would result in deciding that Drug 2 is no more harmful than Drug 1 when it is in fact more harmful) could have serious consequences from a public health standpoint. So setting a large significance level is appropriate.

See Sample size calculations to plan an experiment,, for more examples.

Common mistake: Neglecting to think adequately about possible consequences of Type I and Type II errors (and deciding acceptable levels of Type I and II errors based on these consequences)  before conducting a study and analyzing data. Common mistake: Claiming that an alternate hypothesis has been "proved" because it has been rejected in a hypothesis test.

1. α is also called the bound on Type I error. Choosing a value α is sometimes called setting a bound on Type I error.

2.  Another good reason for reporting p-values is that different people may have different standards of evidence; see the section "
Deciding what significance level to use" on this page.

3. This could be more than just an analogy: Consider a situation where the verdict hinges on statistical evidence (e.g., a DNA test), and where rejecting the null hypothesis would result in a verdict of guilty, and not rejecting the null hypothesis would result in a verdict of not  guilty.

4. This is consistent with the system of justice in the USA, in which a defendant is assumed innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt; proving the defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt is analogous to providing evidence that would be very unusual if the null hypothesis is true.

5. There are (at least) two reasons why this is important. First, the significance level desired is one criterion in deciding on an appropriate sample size. (See Power  for more information.) Second, if more than one hypothesis test is planned, additional considerations need to be taken into account. (See Multiple Inference for more information.)

6. The answer to this may well depend on the seriousness of the punishment and the seriousness of the crime. For example, if the punishment is death, a Type I error is extremely serious. Also, if a Type I error results in a criminal going free as well as an innocent person being punished, then it is more serious than a Type II error.

Last updated May 12, 2011