Unique ID: 54860 Instructor: Dave Rusin (rusin@math.utexas.edu) Office hrs: Tuesdays noon-3pm and Wednesdays 4pm-5pm Feel free to drop in during those hours to my office, PMA 9.140. I can also arrange additional times to meet; send me email if you'd like to meet with me. Class meets MWF at 1pm in RLP1.104 Text: Introduction to Real Analysis, 4th Ed., by Bartle and Sherbert I don't want to use our class time to hammer out every detail of every proof: that's important but that's what books are for. So I will be trying to give the broader picture of why things work the way they do and why we care; please read the book to get the details afterwards. The book I have listed is a standard choice but you could just as easily get the details from another book, or another edition; just *read something*! This particular book has the advantage that there are copies that are shall we say "readily available". Please note the time of your final exam: Saturday, April 29, 8:00 am-10:00 am There is no provision for taking the final exam earlier or later.
Course webpage: http://www.ma.utexas.edu/~rusin/361K-23a/ There is also a Canvas page for this course; I may post some additional material under the "File" tab.
(Odds and ends may be added here during the semester.)
Here are the handouts that I have also placed onto Canvas:
Either consent of mathematics advisor, or two of M341, 328K, 325K (Philosophy 313K may be substituted for M325K), with a grade of at least C-. May not be counted by students with credit for M365K with a grade of C- or better.
Your semester grade will be based on a number of components. This structure is designed to encourage you to stay actively involved in the course all the way through the semester. Any adjustments to the schedules or policies will be announced multiple times in lecture and via email and on the course website shown above.
Homework: There will be homework due weekly. I will drop the lowest homework grade and average the rest to give you a "Homework Score" of up to 100 points for the semester.
Exams: There will be 3 mid-term exams, to be held during the usual class period, and a comprehensive final exam.
Because my exams tend to be hard, I have a way to curve the exam scores. I will compute both your raw score and your curved score and whichever is higher for you will be the score I use when computing semester grades. The curving method is simple: I compute the mean, mu, and the standard deviation, sigma, of the class's raw scores, and then a person with a raw score of X will get a curved score of
85 + 10 (X-mu) / sigma(with a maximum curved score of 105). This way the mean curved score will be 85 and the standard deviation of the curved scores will be 10. In effect, a person with the average grade gets a "B", and the person whose exam grade is higher or lower by one standard deviation gets an "A" or a "C".
Textbooks, notes, and electronic devices (including phones and calculators) are not permitted during exams. The penalty for violating these conditions is a score of ZERO on the exam.
I expect the dates of the midterms to be February 6, March 10, and April 12, but this is subject to change. The last day of class is Mon, Apr 24. Please mark on your calendars now the time and date of the final exam.
Semester grades: Your numerical grade for the semester is a simply the average of the five components above: the homework, three midterms, and final exam. This number is converted to a letter grade according to the following scale: https://xkcd.com/2329/ Just kidding. I use a pretty standard conversion formula:
97.0-100 | A+ |
93.0-96.9 | A |
90.0-92.9 | A- |
87.0-89.9 | B+ |
83.0-86.9 | B |
80.0-82.9 | B- |
77.0-79.9 | C+ |
73.0-76.9 | C |
70.0-72.9 | C- |
67.0-69.9 | D+ |
63.0-66.9 | D |
60.0-62.9 | D- |
0 -59.9 | F |
Class meetings: Our "lecture" meeting times together are very short so we must make the most of them. Attend daily, with all the materials you need to take notes and work problems.
This is an in-person class, with no online (Zoom) component or hybrid option. Attendance is not mandatory. But who are we kidding? We're going to work through the entire textbook in just 40 or so class meetings. At the pace of this class, any time you miss a class, you are at least a whole section behind! That's hard to make up. Plus, if you are (to take a common example) paying in-state tuition for 12 undergraduate credit-hours, the tuition alone costs you $35 for every one of those 45 class meetings. Are you really going to throw away $35 you have already paid, so that you can stay home and take a nap?
Public Health: If you are feeling ill or test positive for a communicable disease such as Covid-19 or Influenza, please stay home or at least wear a mask. You can get reasonably effective vaccines for many such illnesses; please do so. Don't be a jerk: we ALL want to stay healthy!
Make-ups: It is in general not possible to make up missing quizzes or homework assignments after the due date. If you believe you will have to miss a graded event, please notify me in advance; I will try to arrange for you to complete the work early.
Students with disabilities: The University of Texas at Austin provides upon request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. For more information, contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 471-6259, 471-4641 TTY.
Religious holidays: If you are unable to participate in a required class activity (such as an exam) because it conflicts with your religious traditions, please notify me IN ADVANCE and I will make accommodations for you. Typically I will ask you to complete the required work before the religious observance begins.
Academic Integrity. Please read the message about Academic Integrity from the Dean of Students Office. I very much prefer to treat you as professionals whose honesty is beyond question. But this has proven difficult, especially with students taking exams remotely. I have reported students to the Dean for cheating and they have had to bear the consequences; I will do so again if I must. Don't be that person!
Campus safety: Please familiarize yourself with the Emergency Preparedness instructions provided by the university's Campus Safety and Security office. In the event of severe weather or a security threat, we will immediately suspend class and follow the instructions given. You may wish to sign up with the campus alert programs.
Counseling: Students often encounter non-academic difficulties during the semester, including stresses from family, health issues, and lifestyle choices. I am not trained to help you with these but do encourage you to take advantage of the Counselling and Mental Health Center, Student Services Bldg (SSB), 5th Floor, open M-F 8am-5pm. (512 471 3515), or www.cmhc.utexas.edu
Add dates: If you enroll within the first four class days of the semester, and have missed any graded material, I will adjust the weighting of your graded sections accordingly so that you are not penalized. No such accommodation is made for students who enroll on the 5th day or later. (Such students must enroll through the MPAA advising center in PMA, and ordinarily I do not admit students who ask to enroll then if they have missed any graded activities).
Drop dates: Jan 25 is the last day to drop without approval of the department chair; Mar 21 is the last day an undergraduate may: Q-drop a class; withdraw; change a class to pass/fail Apr 24 is the last day an undergraduate may, with the required approvals, request a non-academic Q-drop For more information about deadlines for adding and dropping the course under different circumstances, please consult the Registrar's web page, http://registrar.utexas.edu/calendars/22-23/
Sharing of Course Materials is Prohibited: No materials used in this class, including, but not limited to, lecture hand-outs, videos, assessments (quizzes, exams, papers, projects, homework assignments), in-class materials, review sheets, and additional problem sets, may be shared online or with anyone outside of the class unless you have my explicit, written permission. Unauthorized sharing of materials promotes cheating. It is a violation of the University’s Student Honor Code and an act of academic dishonesty. I am well aware of the sites used for sharing materials, and any materials found online that are associated with you, or any suspected unauthorized sharing of materials, will be reported to Student Conduct and Academic Integrity in the Office of the Dean of Students. These reports can result in sanctions, including failure in the course.
We have a LOT to do this semester --- we'll work through the entire book together! So expect to fly through about three sections every week.
You may have spent most of your mathematical life working on problems by yourself. This is a good thing; you become self-reliant. However, I strongly encourage you to work with one or two other students in this class on a regular basis. Challenge each other to solve the problems, to explain the concepts, and to ask each other for help. This is the way mathematics is done in the real world, and practicing this now can help you this semester and beyond.
Since you are adults, I leave it to you to monitor your level of understanding on your own, and to seek help when you need it. But please allow me to share my experience. Every student who starts this class has met the pre-requisites and has the expectation that he or she will succeed. Nonetheless, every semester, a nontrivial fraction of this group of bright, hard-working students ends up with a D or F, or withdraws. No one likes this outcome. Please be attentive to your progress on homeworks and quizzes and midterms. If you find you are always asking other people for help while studying; if you find that it takes you hours and hours to complete every homework set; if your quiz grades are low, or you score less than half the possible points on a midterm exam: in these cases, you CAN succeed, but ONLY if you change your patterns immediately. Optimism is a wonderful thing but it alone cannot bring the results you may want. Please see me early in the semester if you think you may have trouble during this course. I can try to help you with the material, or with your study habits, or else advise you to withdraw. Let's make this the first-ever 100% successful Math 427L class!
One more suggestion: have fun this semester! Some of us think math is so cool that we end up doing it for a living. I will try to convey to you some of what's kewl, and invite you to consider majoring (or minoring) in math, joining the math club, or simply taking more math classes. In my office I am always happy to talk about mathematics topics beyond what we discuss in class.