Texas Analysis and Mathematical Physics Symposium 2020/21


April 9 - April 11, 2021

TexAMP 2020/21 Online Conference

The Texas Analysis and Mathematical Physics Symposium (TexAMP) is a regional weekend meeting held annually. The meeting includes main presentations by leading researchers in their fields, and provides conference participants an opportunity to present contributed talks.

Past conferences:
TexAMP 2019 at Rice University
TexAMP 2018 at Baylor University
TexAMP 2017 at UT Austin
TexAMP 2016 at Rice University
TexAMP 2015 at UT Dallas
TexAMP 2014 at UT Austin
TexAMP 2013 at Rice University

Organizers: Thomas Chen (UT Austin), David Damanik (Rice).

We are grateful to the NSF for their support.

Schedule of Events

Program details.
Main Speakers:
NALINI ANANTHARAMAN (Universite de Strasbourg)
The bottom of the spectrum of a random hyperbolic surface (work in progress)

Control of eigenfunctions on negatively curved surfaces [slides]

Measure Rigidity for Diagonal Actions [slides]

DIRK HUNDERTMARK (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
Quantum Systems at The Brink: Helium

MATHIEU LEWIN (CEREMADE, Universite Paris Dauphine)
Derivation of nonlinear Gibbs measures from quantum mechanics [slides]

BENJAMIN SCHLEIN (University of Zurich)
Correlation energy of weakly interacting fermions [slides]
Contributed Talks:
Contributed talks are held on Saturday 4/10/2021, 14:00-17:30PM.

Program details

Titles and Abstracts [Slides]

Event Organisation

The Zoom link to the conference will be emailed to all main speakers and registered participants shortly before the meeting.

Last updated 4/3/2021.