Mathematical Modeling for Biology
Content: We cover basics of algebra and
calculus to model some of the phenomena in natural science. The
matheamtics we cover include matrices and systems of ordinary
differential equations. We write down some exmples of partial
differential equations. The applications we cover are in many areas of
science, especially biology and biochemistry. Students choose an
area to study for a project, which determines a good part of their
Class: Tu Th 11-12:15 RLM 5.114
Unique Number 57455
Professor: Karen Uhlenbeck RLM 9.160 471-1172
Assistant: Elizabeth Lynch RLM 9.158 471-6237
TA Jesse Sweet RLM 12.132 475-8597
Computers: There will be a computer assignment once every other
week or so. You can use your own software, or the math department
computers in RLM 7.122. All you need to get an account is your
UTEID. Help on the computer work is available from the TA and the
lab proctor (M-F 8-5, Sa 12-5).
Group work: Modern science is primarily done by groups of people,
and we encourage group work for all but the examination part of the
course. The computer segments may be handed in as a group, as can
the project. We ask that for the problem part of the course,
everybody turn in their own paper, but list their coauthors. The
main project should be done in a group of 2-4 people.
Attendance: Please inform either the TA or the professor if you
expect to be away from class. We want to know if you are having
personal difficulties. It is possible to reschedule classes and
due dates if enough students request it.
Grading: This class is not graded on a curve, so youMUST do the
work for it. However, if you do the work, you can expect an A or
B. The class will be graded on the best 500 of 600 scores.
1) Class participation and exercises (100)
2) Computer exercises (100)
3)Midterm 1 (100)
4) Mideterm 2 (100)
5) Project (200 total throughout the term)
Projects will be graded on a scientific basis. It is perfectly
acceptable to use a project that you are already working on, provided
you further develop the mathematics in it. More information about
projects will be available as the term goes on. One part of the project
will be an oral presentation to the class,
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The home page of this course is posted at uhlen/bio/home.html.