Upcoming Speakers
Spring 2024
Melody Chan
Associate Professor at Brown University
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ColloquiumDate & Time: Monday, March 25, 4-5 PM Location: PMA 6.104 Talk: Combinatorial methods in the study of moduli spaces Abstract: I will discuss some combinatorial methods used to study the geometry of moduli spaces: spaces which parametrize geometric objects. These spaces play a central role in the field of algebraic geometry, the study of spaces that are patched together from zero sets of systems of polynomial equations. This talk will be accessible to all, including undergraduate math students and graduate students working in other fields. |
Pizza SeminarA preparatory talk by Amy BradfordDate & Time: Friday, March 22, 12:30-1:30 PM Location: PMA Vaughn Lounge Talk: Introduction to the Moduli Space of Curves Abstract: A useful technique in understanding geometric objects is studying their moduli spaces, which are spaces that parameterize the geometric objects of interest. A heavily studied moduli space in algebraic geometry is the Moduli Space of Curves, which parameterizes smooth algebraic curves. Many aspects of this moduli space are mysterious, for example, much of its rational cohomology is unknown. In this talk we will introduce the Moduli Space of Curves and techniques in tropical geometry that have led to recent breakthroughs in calculating the cohomology of the Moduli Space of Curves. This will be an introductory talk and assumes no prior knowledge of algebraic geometry, tropical geometry, or moduli spaces. The purpose of this talk is to introduce topics that DWM colloquium speaker, Melody Chan, will speak about in her talk on Monday, March 25. |