M408M Learning Module Pages
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Chapter 10: Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

Learning module LM 10.1: Parametrized Curves:

      3 kinds of functions, 3 kinds of curves
      The cycloid
      Visualizing parametrized curves
      Tracing curves and ellipses
      Lissajous figures

Learning module LM 10.2: Calculus with Parametrized Curves:

Learning module LM 10.3: Polar Coordinates:

Learning module LM 10.4: Areas and Lengths of Polar Curves:

Learning module LM 10.5: Conic Sections:

Learning module LM 10.6: Conic Sections in Polar Coordinates:

Chapter 12: Vectors and the Geometry of Space

Chapter 13: Vector Functions

Chapter 14: Partial Derivatives

Chapter 15: Multiple Integrals

Visualizing parametrized curves

Visualizing Parametrized Curves

Note: This is the first of many interactive learning module pages that you will see in this course. These interactives require the Wolfram CDF Player. If you do not have this loaded on your computer, you can download the free plugin at www.wolfram.com/cdf-player. (Not available for Linux.) If the plugin isn't installed, you'll still see a screen shot of the interactive, but you won't be able to do anything with it.

For each of the functions in the drop-down menu, drag the $t$-slider and see how the curve is traced out. Note that this shows a different parametrization of the circle than the one we did before, going clockwise from the top instead of counter-clockwise from the side.