Maggie Miller


Here is a complete list of my previous and upcoming invited talks. I link to abstracts when available. I list contributed talks in a separate list at the bottom of this page.

Upcoming invited talks

Fall 2024

Special Session on Link invariants and surfaces in 4-manifolds at the 2024 Fall Central Section Meeting, San Antonio

Summer 2024

Budapest Summer School (mini-course)

Past invited talks

Summer 2024

Surfaces in 4-manifolds, principal talks at 41st Workshop in Geometric Topology at Calvin College

Spring 2024

``Twisting, rolling, and branching in S4," Stanford University Topology Seminar

``Twisting, rolling, and spinning knots," University of Virginia Mathematics Colloquium

``Branched covers of twist-roll spun knots," Princeton Simons Collaboration Satellite Conference

``Constructing knotted 2-spheres in the 4-sphere," Sungkyunkwan University Mathematics Colloquium

Branched covers of twist-roll spun knots, Texas A&M Topology Seminar

Fibered ribbon knots vs. major 4D conjectures, Harvard Bott Lectures

Fibered(?) ribbon knots, 2024 Geometry and Topology Workshop at UCLA

Splitting spheres in S4, AMS Special Session for Women and Gender Minorities in Symplectic and Contact Geometry and Topology IV at JMM 2024

Fall 2023

Topology in Dimension 4.5, Michigan State University Topology and RTG Seminars

Topology in Dimension 4.5, 66th Texas Geometry and Topology Conference at Rice University

Splitting spheres in S4, California Institute of Technology Topology Seminar

Non-isotopic splitting spheres in S4, Special Session on Recent Advances in Low-dimensional and Quantum Topology at the AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting

Non-isotopic splitting spheres in S4, Special Session on Topology of 3- and 4-manifolds at the AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting

Summer 2023

Splitting spheres in S4, Gauge Theory and Topology at the University of Oxford, Mathematical Institute

Splitting spheres in S4, Topology of 3- and 4-dimensionao Manifolds mini-conference in the Summer School in Geometry and Topology at Princeton

Splitting spheres in S4, UC Davis Topology Seminar

Spring 2023

Slice obstructions from genus bounds in definite 4-manifolds at the Cornell Topology Festival

Obstructing sliceness of knots from genus bounds in 4-manifolds, University of Michigan Mathematics Colloquium

Slice obstructions from genus bounds in definite 4-manifolds at The Low-dimensional Workshop at the Erdős Center

Slice obstructions from genus bounds in definite 4-manifolds, Workshop on Interactions of 3- & 4-dimensional Topology (Zoom talk)

Seifert surfaces in 3- and 4-dimensional space, San Jose State University Math/Stats Colloquium

Slice obstructions from genus bounds in definite 4-manifolds, MPIM Bonn Topology Seminar

"Slice obstructions from genus bounds in 2CP2", Topologie at Oberwolfach

Fall 2022

Concordance of Surfaces, 2022 Georgia Tech Topology Conference

Seifert surfaces in the 4-ball, Special Session on Heegaard Floer homology in topology, algebra, and physics at the AMS Fall Western Sectional Meeting

Obstructing isotopy with an extra dimension, Mathematics Colloquium at Brigham Young University

Obstructing isotopy with an extra dimension, PIMS Geometry, Algebra and Physics Seminar at the University of Saskatchewan

Concordance of surfaces, Algebraic & Geometric Topology Seminar at the University of Nevada, Reno (Zoom talk)

Stong's Kervaire-Milnor Invariant at 4-Manifolds: from Above and Below, CIRM – Luminy Centre

"Non-isotopy of Seifert surfaces" at Low-dimensional Topology and Diffeomorphism Groups, University of Maryland, College Park

Summer 2022

"Seifert surfaces in the 4-ball," Taubes' Seminar (Zoom talk)

Non-isotopic Seifert surfaces at the Frontiers in Geometry and Topology Research Conference at the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics

Non-isotopic Seifert surfaces at Topologie at Oberwolfach

Obstructing isotopy with an extra dimension at the "Special session on "Low dimensional topology" at the Joint AMS-SMF-EMS Meeting in Grenoble

What can you do with a triplane diagram? at Trisectors Workshop 2022 at Western Washington University

Spring 2022

Knotted handlebodies, 2022 Rutgers Geometric Analysis Conference

Knotted handlebodies, Braids in Low-Dimensional Topology at ICERM

Trisections of 4-manifolds, Knots and Representation Theory Seminar (Zoom talk)

Diagrams of immersed surfaces and homotopies of surfaces, AMS Special Session on Knots, Links, 3-manifolds,... and 4-manifolds, Joint Mathematics Meetings 2022 (Zoom talk)

Knotted handlebodies at GSTGC 2022 at Georgia Tech (Zoom talk)

Building concordances of surfaces at the Special Session on Geometric Topology in the Middle Dimensions at the AMS Spring Central Sectional Meeting (Zoom talk)

Knotted handlebodies at "Interactions of gauge theory with contact and symplectic topology in dimensions 3 and 4" at BIRS (Zoom talk)

Knotted handlebodies, PIMS Rising Stars Colloquium at UBC

Building Concordances, Topology Seminar at UBC

Building Concordances, University of Chicago Geometry Seminar

Knotted handlebodies, University of Chicago Mathematics Colloquium

Exotic 4-manifolds, Stanford Faculty Area Research Seminar (expository)

Knotted handlebodies, UT Austin Mathematics Department Colloquium (Zoom talk)

Fall 2021

"Knotted handlebodies", UC Berkeley Mathematics Department Colloquium

Diagrams of immersed surfaces and homotopies of surfaces, Special session on recent advances in low-dimensional topology at the AMS Fall Southeastern Sectional Meeting (Zoom talk)

Concordance of Surfaces, Stanford Mathematics Department Colloquium

The Kervaire-Milnor invariant of a pair of 2-spheres, Notre Dame Topology Seminar

Concordance of Surfaces in 4-manifolds, UC Berkeley Mathematics Department Colloquium (Zoom talk)

Bridge Trisections of Immersed surfaces, Special session on geometric topology at the AMS Fall Central Sectional Meeting (Zoom talk)

Exotic Brunnian Surfaces, Rice University Math Colloquium

Exotic Brunnian Surfaces, K-OS Seminar (Zoom talk)

Summer 2021

Brunnian exotic surface links in the 4-ball, Tech Topology Summer School (Zoom talk)

Introductory talks on trisections and bridge trisections, Summer Trisectors Workshop 2021 (Zoom talk)

Spring 2021

Diagrams of immersed surfaces, Low-dimensional topology and symplectic geometry weekend (Zoom talk)

Diagrams of immersed surfaces, UC Berkeley Topology Seminar (Zoom talk)

Light bulbs in 4-manifolds, Rutgers University - Newark Mathematics Colloquium (Zoom talk)

Equivalent characterizations of handle-ribbon knots, AMS Special Session on Low Dimensional Topology, I, Joint Mathematics Meetings 2021 (Zoom talk)

Fall 2020

4D Light bulbs and concordance (2 parts), Seminars on Geometry and Topology (Online)

Trisections of non-orientable 4-manifolds, UCSD Topology Seminar (Zoom talk)

Characterizing handle-ribbon knots, 65th Cascade Topology Seminar (Zoom talk)

Summer 2020

Characterizing handle-ribbon knots, Australian Geometric Topology Webinar (Zoom talk)

Spring 2020

Characterizing handle-ribbon knots, Caltech Geometry and Topology Seminar (Zoom talk)

"Fibering ribbon disk complements," Geometric Group Theory and Topology Seminar at Tufts University (Zoom talk)

Dehn surgery on links vs. the Thurston norm, Classical knots, virtual knots, and algebraic structures related to knots (asynchronous video talk)

"Light bulbs in 4-manifolds," University of Chicago Topology Seminar

"Light bulbs in 4-manifolds," University of Oregon Topology Seminar

Light bulbs in 4-manifolds, University of Pennsylvania Geometry-Topology Seminar

Light bulbs in 4-manifolds, Rutgers University Geometry/Topology Seminar

Light bulbs in 4-manifolds, Stanford University Topology Seminar

Dehn surgery on links versus the Thurston norm, JMM 2020, AMS--AWM Special Session on Women in Topology

Light bulbs in 4-manifolds, University of Glasgow Geometry and Topology Seminar

"Concordance of light bulbs," Low-Dimensional Topology at Clay Mathematics Institute

Fall 2019

Dehn surgery on links and the Thurston norm, Brigham Young University Topology Seminar

"Dehn surgery on links versus the Thurston norm," Brandeis Topology Seminar

Concordance of light bulbs, MIT Topology Seminar

Concordance of light bulbs, Duke University Triangle Topology Seminar

Concordance of light bulbs, 2019 CMS Winter Meeting, special session, "Topology"

Light bulbs in 4-manifolds, University of Waterloo Pure Math Colloquium

Light bulbs in 4-manifolds, Columbia University Geometry/Topology Seminar

Summer 2019

Uniqueness of bridge trisections, Four-Manifolds: Confluence of High and Low Dimensions at the Fields Institute

Concordance of light bulbs, Knot Concordance and Low-Dimensional Manifolds

Spring 2019

"Knot cobordisms, torsion, and Floer homology," UCLA Topology Seminar

Extending fibrations from knot complements to ribbon disk complements, AMS Eastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Invariants of Knots, Links, and Low-dimensional Manifolds

Banded unlink diagrams of surfaces in arbitrary 4-manifolds, CUNY Geometry and Topology Seminar

Fibering 4-manifolds via movies of singular fibrations, AWM Research Symposium, Special Session on Topology of 3- and 4-Manifolds

"Concordance of light bulbs," Indiana University -- Bloomington Topology Seminar

Fibered 4-manifolds over S1, AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Geometry and Topology of Low Dimensional Manifolds, and Their Invariants

"Fibering 4-manifolds over S1," University of Nebraska--Lincoln, Seminar on Groups, Semigroups, and Topology

Building fibrations of 4-manifolds, Rice University Topology Seminar

Diagrams for surface isotopies in 4-manifolds, University of Sydney Topology Seminar

Fall 2018

Fibering ribbon disk complements, Virginia Topology Conference

Fibering ribbon disk complements, Brigham Young University Topology Seminar

Fibering ribbon disk complements, University of Arkansas Topology Seminar

Trisections of surface complements and surgery on RP2s, Knotted Surfaces in 4-Manifolds, University of Massachusetts

The Price twist and trisections, Columbia University Seminar on Symplectic Topology, Gauge Theory, and Categorification

The Price twist and trisections, Rutgers University Geometry/Topology Seminar

"Fibering ribbon disk complements with fibered boundary," University of Georgia Topology Seminar

"Unit surfaces in CP2," University of Virginia Geometry Seminar

Summer 2018

"The Price twist via trisections," Low-dimensional topology and its interactions with symplectic geometry, Princeton University

RP2 surgeries and trisections, AMS Northeastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Connections Between Trisections of 4-manifolds and Low-dimensional Topology

Contributed talks

Spring 2022

Knotted handlebodies, Stanford University Topology Seminar

Seifert Solids, Virtual Trisectors Meeting (Zoom talk)

Fall 2020

Stong's Kervaire–Milnor invariant, GT GAPS (Zoom talk)

Summer 2020

Handle-ribbon knots, GT GAPS (Zoom talk)

Spring 2020

Codimension-2 knots in 4-manifolds, Trends in Low-Dimensional Topology (Zoom talk)

Uniqueness of relative trisections, Virtual Trisectors Meeting (Zoom talk)

"Dehn surgery on links and the Thurston norm," Winterbraids X at Università di Pisa

Knot branched covers bounding rational balls, GT GAPS (Zoom talk)

Fall 2019

Dehn filling vs the Thurston norm, GT GAPS (Online)

Concordance of light bulbs, Unifying 4-Dimensional Knot Theory at BIRS

"Taut foliations and fibered knots," Regional Arbeitstagung/workshop on Foliations at Universität Regensburg (expository)

"Dehn surgery on links and the Thurston norm," at LMS Durham Research Symposium 2019

Spring 2019

"Fibering ribbon disk complements," Knots and Braids in Norway at NTNU

Band diagrams of surfaces in 4-manifolds, Moab Topology Conference 2019

Extending fibrations from knot complements to ribbon disk complements, MATRIX Topology of Manifolds: Interactions Between High and Low Dimensions

Fall 2018

"Fibering ribbon disk complements," AMS Southeastern Sectional Meeting, Special Session on Interactions Between Contact and Symplectic Geometry and Low-dimensional Topology

Spring 2018

Relative trisections of surface complements, Spring 2018 Redbud Conference at Oklahoma State University