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SMMG - January 2010
UT and ME - February 2010We are very happy to be a part of the UT and ME program that is taking place before the UT Women's basketball game on February 7th. Before the game from 11am-1pm, there will be a fair with exhibits and tables letting middle and high school girls about all kinds of diifferent opporunities for them. Plus, the first 1,000 girls will be getting a free backpack.If you are interested in coming you can get discounted tickets for $5 each to the game here. . Just use the promo code "UTandME". Be sure to stop by our booth and say hello. Math Circle - February 2010
SMMG - February 2010
Math Circle - March 2010
RTG Public Lecture in Topology - March 2010
SMMG - March 2010
Math Circle - April 2010
SMMG - April 2010
Neil Hoffman - smmg@math.utexas.edu
Department of Math, UT Austin, 1 University Station C1200, Austin, TX 78712
Phone: 512-475-8595 | Fax: 512-471-9038 | Office: RLM 11.154