Home Page - Thomas Chen

Department of Mathematics
University of Texas at Austin
2515 Speedway C1200
Austin, TX 78712

Office: PMA 12.138


Research interests:
Mathematical Physics
Applied Mathematics




Citizenship: USA and Switzerland.


2001 ETH Zurich, Ph.D. in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Juerg Froehlich. Coadvisor: Prof. Gian-Michele Graf
1999 ETH Zurich, Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering
Thesis Advisor: Prof. Hans Brauchli. Coadvisor: Prof. Eduard Zehnder


2018 - University of Texas at Austin, Professor of Mathematics
2017 - 2024 Chair, Department of Mathematics
2014 - 2017 Graduate Advisor, Department of Mathematics
2013 - 2018 University of Texas at Austin, Associate Professor of Mathematics
2008 - 2013 University of Texas at Austin, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
On leave 2007/08
2004 - 2008 Princeton University, Assistant Professor of Mathematics
2001 - 2004 New York University, Courant Institute, Courant Instructor
Mentor: Prof. Horng-Tzer Yau, Harvard University


Patricia Munoz Ewald
Esteban Cardenas
Michael Hott (PhD in 2022)
Yanlin Cheng, Amie Urban, Chuwei Zhang (PhD in 2021)
Kenneth Taliaferro (PhD in 2015)
Daniel Blazevski (joint with Rafael de la Llave; PhD in 2012)

Jacky Chong (PhD University of Maryland, 2019; co-mentor with N. Pavlovic), 2019-2022
Ryan Denlinger (PhD Courant Institute, 2016; co-mentor with N. Pavlovic), 2016-2019
Younghun Hong (PhD Brown University, 2013; co-mentor with N. Pavlovic), 2013-2016
Itaru Sasaki (PhD Hokkaido University, 2007; JSPS grant), at Princeton University 2007-2008

Grants and honors

2020 - 2025 NSF Grant DMS-2009800, PI
2019 Fellow of the American Mathematical Society (class of 2020)
2017 - 2021 NSF Grant DMS-1716198, PI
2017 NSF Conference Grant DMS-1739320 for TexAMP 2017, PI
2014 - Frank E. Gerth III Faculty Fellowship, UT Austin
2016 - 2017 NSF Grant DMS-1262411, PI
2014 NSF Conference Grant DMS-1412627 for TexAMP 2014, PI
2012 - 2018 NSF CAREER Grant DMS-1151414, PI
2011 Annales Henri Poincare Prize 2010
2010 - 2013 NSF Grant DMS-1009448, PI
2007 - 2010 NSF Grant DMS-0704031 / DMS-0940145, PI
2004 - 2007 NSF Grant DMS-0407644 / DMS-0524909, PI
2003 - 2004 NYU Research Challenge Fund Award

Full CV (last update: 7/2024)