Bill Beckner's Research

Fourier Analysis - Sharp Inequalities: from Geometric Manifolds & Lie Groups to Dynamical Processes -- Embedded Symmetry & Encoding Information

The principal themes of my research are symmetry, inequalities, and analysis on manifolds. Geometric inequalities provide insight into the structure of manifolds. More directly, the Fourier transform, convolution, Riesz potentials and Sobolev embedding are central tools for analysis on geometric manifolds. The overall objective of my research is to develop a deeper understanding for the way that sharp constants for function-space inequalities over a manifold encode information about the geometric structure of the manifold. This direction seems fundamental to explore the interplay between geometry and analysis on locally compact non-unimodular Lie groups, including SL(2,R), SL(2,C), Lorentz groups, hyperbolic space, Cartan-Hadamard manifolds with nonpositive curvature, and more generally semisimple Lie groups and symmetric spaces extending to the family of Heisenberg groups with broken homogeneity and symplectic structure. Embedded symmetry within the Heisenberg group is used to couple geometric insight and analytic calculation. The intrinsic character of the Heisenberg group makes it the natural playing field on which to explore the laws of symmetry and the interplay between analysis and geometry on a manifold. Asymptotic arguments identify geometric invariants that characterize large-scale structure. Weighted inequalities provide quantitative information to characterize integrability for differential and integral operators and reflect the dilation character of the manifold. Sharp estimates constitute a critical tool to determine existence and regularity for solutions to pde's, to demonstrate that operators and functionals are well-defined, to explain the fundamental structure of spaces and their varied geometric realizations, to calculate precise lower-order effects and to define a new paradigm for the development of analysis on a geometric manifold. Model problems and exact calculations are a source of insight and stimulus. Vortex dynamics, the Keller-Segel model for chemotaxis, and the global Biot-Savart law suggest intriguing new applications. Fundamental identities, formulas, and inequalities are essential for developing analysis on a geometric manifold -- explicit, elegant, influential -- plus they encode information about the manifold. Formulas are the most basic computational recipe and lead always to new mathematical structure as one moves beyond the horizon to develop new computational insight.

Selected papers


This research program has been partially supported by the National Science Foundation.