Organized by Suraj Dash and co-organized by me.
We meet on Mondays at 2:30 pm Central Time on Zoom.
Meeting ID: 934 2909 6517.
The plan, put together by Suraj, can be viewed here.
Week 1 (Isaac, UT Austin): Basic definitions and tropical hypersurfaces. Hand-drawn notes, link to additional notes
Week 2 (Abhishek, UT Austin): Tropicalization of abstract curves and parameterized tropical curves. Hand-drawn notes, incomplete live-texed notes (likely filled with mistakes)
Week 3 (Xianyu, University of M\"unich): Tropicalization of . Hand-drawn notes
Week 4 (Suraj, UT Austin): Gluing an stabilization of log smooth curves.
Week 5-6 (Xianyu, Suraj): Tropicalization of log schemes.
Week 7-8 (Abhishek, Karl): Tropical Brill-Noether theory.