M408M Learning Module Pages
Main page

Chapter 10: Parametric Equations and Polar Coordinates

Chapter 12: Vectors and the Geometry of Space

Chapter 13: Vector Functions

Learning module LM 13.1/2: Vector valued functions

Learning module LM 13.3: Velocity, speed and arc length:

Learning module LM 13.4: Acceleration and curvature:

      Tangent and normal vectors
      Curvature and acceleration
      Kepler's laws of planetary motion
      Worked problems

Chapter 14: Partial Derivatives

Chapter 15: Multiple Integrals

Curvature and acceleration

Curvature and Acceleration

Accelerating an object can change both in the magnitude and direction of the velocity. When driving a car, you can accelerate forwards by stepping on the gas (that's why the gas pedal is called the accelerator!), backwards by stepping on the brake, and left or right by turning the steering wheel. When taking a corner you typically do a combination of these. When flying a plane, you have even more ways to accelerate! In general, we'll soon see that acceleration forwards or backwards has to do with changes in speed, and that acceleration sideways has to do with curvature.

Our intuition tells us that the curvature of a circle of radius $R$ should be $1/R$, i.e., smaller circles have tighter curves and more curvature, while the curvature of a straight line should be 0. But coming up with the appropriate definition takes some care because the same curve can have many different parametrizations. For example, tracing the vector-valued functions $$ R\cos(t) \,{\bf i} + R\sin (t)\, {\bf j}\,, \qquad R\cos (2t) \, {\bf i} + R\cos (2t)\, {\bf j}\,, \qquad R\cos (t^3) \, {\bf i} + R\sin (t^3)\, {\bf j}\,, $$ gives the same circle of radius $R$ centered at the origin. They obviously all have the same curvature, but particles having these as position functions will not have the same velocity or the same acceleration. So the definition of curvature has to be based on some 'standard', unambiguous choice of parametrization. This is done by using arc length as our parameter.

Fix a curve $C$ parametrized by ${\bf r}(t)$, and choose some initial fixed point ${\bf r}(a)$ corresponding to $t = a$. Now define the arc length parameter $s$ by $$s \ = \ s(t) \ = \ \int_a^t \, \|{\bf r}'(u)\|\, du\,.$$ This is the arc length of the portion of graph of ${\bf r}(t)$ between ${\bf r}(a)$ and ${\bf r}(t)$, and by the Fundamental Theorem of calculus, $$ \frac{ds}{dt} \ = \ \|{\bf r}'(t)\|\,;$$ in particular, we can parametrize $C$ by defining a new vector-valued function ${\bf c}(s)$, setting $${\bf c} (s) \ = \ {\bf c} (s(t)) \ = \ {\bf r}(t)\,.$$ In this case, many texts speak of $C$ as being parametrized by arc length. Of course, the unit tangent vectors to $C$ coincide at ${\bf c} (s), \, {\bf r}(t)$, (they are the same point on $C$), i.e., $${\bf T}(t) \ = \ \frac{{\bf r}'(t)}{\|{\bf r}'(t)\|} \ = \ \frac{{\bf c}'(s)}{\|{\bf c}'(s)\|}\,.$$

The Curvature $\kappa$ of the space curve $C$ at ${\bf c} (s)$ is the scalar $$\kappa \ = \ \left \| \frac{d}{ds} \frac{{\bf c}'(s)}{\|{\bf c}'(s)\|}\right \| \ = \ \left \|\frac{d {\bf T}}{ds} \right \|\,, $$ in other words, the curvature of $C$ is the rate at which the direction of the unit tangent vector ${\bf T}$ is changing with respect to arc length.

For a circle ${\bf r}(t) = R\cos t \, {\bf i} + R\sin t \, {\bf j}$, we see that $${\bf r}'(t) \,=\, R(-\sin t \, {\bf i} + \cos t )\, {\bf j}\,, \quad \|{\bf r}'(t)\| \ = \ R(\cos^2 t + \sin^2 t)^{1/2} \ = \ R\,, $$ while $$ s \ = \ \int_0^t\, R\, dt \ = \ Rt\,, \quad \frac{ds}{dt} \ = \ R\,.$$ Thus in terms of arc length, $$\frac{d {\bf T}}{ds} \ = \ \frac{d {\bf T}}{dt} \frac{dt}{ds} \ = \ \frac{1}{R} \Bigl (\frac{d}{dt} \frac{{\bf r}'(t)}{\|{\bf r}'(t)\|} \Big) \ = \ -\frac{1}{R^2}\Big(R\big(\cos t\, {\bf i} +\sin t\, {\bf j}\big)\Big)\,.$$ This means that a circle of radius $R$ has $$ \hbox{curvature} \ \kappa \ = \ \left\|\frac{1}{R^2} \Big(R\big(\cos t\, {\bf i} +\sin t\, {\bf j}\big)\Big)\right\| \ = \ \frac{1}{R}\,,$$ exactly as we suspected all along.

We use the term radius of curvature even when the motion isn't exactly in a circle. For any point on a curve, the radius of curvature is $1/\kappa.$ In other words, the radius of curvature is the radius of a circle with the same instantaneous curvature as the curve.

In practice, parametrizing a curve by arc length often isn't convenient - what we really want are expressions for $\kappa(t)$ and ${\bf a}(t)$ in terms of $t$, avoiding mention of arc length. There are several such results whose proof uses lots of the ideas we've developed so far: since $$\frac{ds}{dt}\ = \ \|{\bf r}'(t)\|\,, \qquad {\bf T}'(t) \ = \ {\bf N}(t) \|{\bf T}'(t)\|\,, \qquad \kappa(t) \ = \ \left\|\frac{d{\bf T}}{ds}\right\|\,, \qquad (*)$$ the Chain Rule gives $${\bf T}'(t) \ = \ \frac{d{\bf T}}{dt} \ = \ \frac{ds}{dt}\frac{d{\bf T}}{ds} \ = \ \|{\bf r}'(t)\|\frac{d{\bf T}}{ds}\,,$$ so that by the second of the results in (*) $${\bf T}'(t) \ = \ {\bf N}(t) \|{\bf T}'(t)\| \ = \ \|{\bf r}'(t)\| \kappa(t) {\bf N}(t)\,.$$ But ${\bf r}'(t) = \|{\bf r}'(t)\| {\bf T}(t)$, so by the Product Rule and this last result, $${\bf r}''(t) \ = \ \frac{d}{dt}\big(\|{\bf r}'(t)\| {\bf T}(t)\big) \ = \ \frac{d \|{\bf r}'(t)\|}{dt} {\bf T}(t) + \|{\bf r}'(t)\| {\bf T}'(t) \ = \ \frac{d \|{\bf r}'(t)\|}{dt} {\bf T}(t) + \|{\bf r}'(t)\|^2 \kappa(t) {\bf N} (t)\,. \qquad (**)$$ Thus

Fundamental Result I: For an object with position function ${\bf r}(t)$,
    the acceleration at the point ${\bf r}(t)$ decomposes into tangential and normal components $${\bf a}(t) \ = \ v'(t)\, {\bf T} (t) + \kappa(t) v(t)^2\, {\bf N}(t)$$ where the speed $v(t) = \|{\bf r}'(t)\|$ and acceleration ${\bf a}(t) = {\bf r}''(t)$.

Consequently, for an object moving in space the component of acceleration tangential to the trajectory of motion is the change in speed, while the normal component depends on curvature. Notice that

  1. For a straight line $\kappa(t) = 0$, so If the object is moving in a straight line the only acceleration comes from the rate of change of speed. The acceleration vector ${\bf a} (t) = v'(t) {\bf T} (t)$ then lies in the tangential direction.
  2. If the object is moving with constant speed along a curved path, then $dv/dt= 0$, so there is no tangential component of acceleration. The acceleration vector ${\bf a} (t) = \kappa(t) v(t)^2 {\bf N}(t)$ lies in the normal direction. The magnitude of the acceleration is often written as $v^2/R$, where $R$ is the radius of curvature.
Motion in general will combine tangential and normal acceleration.

If we take the cross product of ${\bf r}'(t)$ with ${\bf r}''(t)$ and use $(**)$, we get $${\bf r}'(t) \times {\bf r}''(t) \ = \ \|{\bf r}'(t)\| {\bf T}(t) \times \left( \frac{d \|{\bf r}'(t)\|}{dt} {\bf T} (t) + \|{\bf r}'(t)\|^2 \kappa(t) {\bf N} (t)\right) \qquad \qquad \qquad $$ $$\qquad = \ \|{\bf r}'(t)\| \frac{d \|{\bf r}'(t)\|}{dt}\big( {\bf T}(t) \times {\bf T}(t)\big) + \|{\bf r}'(t)\|^3\kappa(t)\big( {\bf T}(t)\times {\bf N}(t)\big) \ = \ \|{\bf r}'(t)\|^3\kappa(t){\bf B}(t)\,, $$ because ${\bf T}(t) \times {\bf T}(t) = 0$. Since ${\bf B} (t)$ has unit length, this gives

Fundamental Result II: For a space curve $C$ parametrized by ${\bf r} (t)$
    the curvature at the point ${\bf r} (t)$ is $$\kappa(t) \ = \ \frac{\|{\bf r}'(t) \times {\bf r}''(t)\|} { \|{\bf r}'(t)\|^3}\,;$$ in other words, the curvature can be expressed in terms of velocity and acceleration.