M408M Learning Module Pages
Main page Chapter 10: Parametric Equations and Polar CoordinatesChapter 12: Vectors and the Geometry of SpaceChapter 13: Vector FunctionsLearning module LM 13.1/2: Vector valued functionsLearning module LM 13.3: Velocity, speed and arc length:Learning module LM 13.4: Acceleration and curvature:Tangent and normal vectorsCurvature and acceleration Kepler's laws of planetary motion Worked problems Chapter 14: Partial DerivativesChapter 15: Multiple Integrals |
Kepler's laws of planetary motion
The blue and pink regions above have equal area to illustrate the Second Law, for instance. On the other hand, in vector form Newton's Second Law of Motion says that F=ma where F is the net force vector acting on an object and a is its acceleration. In the case of planetary motion, Newton's Law of Gravitation says that the sun attracts the planet with a gravitational force of magnitude GMm/‖ in the direction of the vector -{\bf r}(t) where {\bf r}(t) is shown above and G,\, m,\, M are various constants like mass. Thus {\bf F} ({\bf r}(t) )\ = \ -\Big(\frac{GMm}{\|{\bf r}(t)\|^2}\Big) \frac{{\bf r}(t)}{\|{\bf r}(t)\|} \ = \ - \frac{GMm}{\|{\bf r}(t)\|^3} \, {\bf r}(t)\,. But by Newton's Second Law of Motion, {\bf F} ({\bf r} (t)) = m {\bf r}''(t). So he arrived at the differential equation {\bf r}''(t) \ = \ - \frac{\hbox{const}}{\|{\bf r}(t)\|^3} {\bf r}(t)\,. By solving this equation for {\bf r}(t), we, like Newton, can derive each of Kepler's Laws. In fact we have already developed most of the math needed. To understand the equal-areas law, think about how much area is swept out in a short time \Delta t. This is essentially a triangle with vertices at the origin, at {\bf r}(t), and at {\bf r}(t + \Delta t), and so has area \frac{1}{2} \| {\bf r}(t) \times [{\bf r}(t+\Delta t)-{\bf r}(t)]\| \approx \frac{\Delta t}{2} \|{\bf r}(t) \times {\bf r}'(t)\|\,. To prove the equal-areas law, we just have to show that \| {\bf r} \times {\bf r}'\| is constant. In fact, something even stronger is true: the vector {\bf r} \times {\bf r}' is constant: \frac{d}{dt}[{\bf r} \times {\bf r}'] = {\bf r}' \times {\bf r}' + {\bf r} \times {\bf r}''. The first term is obviously zero, since the cross product of any vector with itself is zero. The second term is also zero, since {\bf r}'' points in the same direction as -{\bf r}. The quantity m {\bf r} \times {\bf r}' is called the angular momentum of the orbiting object. Since the force (and acceleration) is in the {\bf r} direction, the angular momentum is conserved. Since the angular momentum is constant, the object sweeps out equal areas in equal times. Proving that the orbits are ellipses, and the relation between the period and the semi-major axis, is a bit trickier, and is best left to a class on differential equations or physics or astronomy. |